Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 26, 2013, Page 13, Image 13

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    June 26, 2013
Jìorilanò (Ob semer
Page 13
Reo's Rib owner Reo Varnado with his restaurant staff at their new location on Southeast Powell Boulevard
Keeping the Ribs Coming
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 9
With the new location, restau­
rant- goers can look forward to
some new amenities.
“I never had a building like
this,” he said. I always wanted
a restaurant with a club, a bar, a
stage and a dance floor so ev­
erybody can come in and enjoy
them selves.” he said.
The building came with the
extra features, but needed a
whole load of work. It was put
into shape in large part because
o f the R eo e m p lo y ee s “he
couldn’t live without,” Varnado
Though he says heis aiming to
draw in an older crowd with
promises of live jam sessions
every Saturday proceeded by
gospel from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.,
Varnado says everybody is wel­
come, but warns “When you
come, come correct, you can’t
come in here with your pants
down, ‘cause where not gonna
let you in.”
H e’s promising to have some
big names grace his stage soon
too, names he rattled off include
his legendary nephew Snoop
Dogg (now Snoop Lion), come­
dians Mike Epps and Katt W ill­
iams, and Harold Melvin and the
Blue Notes.
When asked why people con­
tinue to come to Reo’s Ribs he
says confidently “People like me,
they like what I’m doing, they
come from many miles away,
they ’ re flying in to get it. If it you
do good, good comes back to
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