lune 26, 2013 $lortlanò (Observer Page II A X ris IMITI EMEOTAINMEM Penguin Chicks Venture Out The five new H um boldt penguin chicks that hatched at the Oregon Zoo thi s spri ng ha ve begun to em erge from their nest boxes and explore their surroundings. T he young pen­ guins are easy to identify: they are gray all over and lack the black-and- white m arkings o f adult Hum boldts — notably the distinctive horseshoe­ shaped band in the chest area. V isitors can see the young birds w addling o v er the rocky terrain and Keeper Kyi a Holligan holds a young Humboldt penguin at the Oregon Zoo. The five chicks that hatched this spring have begun to emerge from their nest boxes and explore the zoo's penguinarium. Futility of the Drug War T ribeca F ilm announces the new docum entary H ow to M ake M oney Selling D rugs w ill open in theaters nationw ide this w eek w ith a theatri- from the perspective o f fo rm er drug dealers, and featuring interview s w ith r ig h ts a d v o c a te s R u s s e ll S im m o n s, S u san S aran d o n , and radically honest w ay.” T he film presents a highly styl- ized, businesslike portrait o f the black m arket econom y that is the drug trade in the U nited States. darting through the c lea r w ater o f the z o o ’s p en guinarium . It is the first tim e in fo u r years v isito rs are able to see p en g u in chicks in Portland. T he z o o ’s b reed ­ ing program had been on hiatus, in part due to renovations at the z o o ’s penguinarium . T he p enguinarium reopened to the public last N o v em ­ ber, follow ing a m uch -n eed ed up­ grade o f its w ater-filtration system , one o f m any sustainability im prove­ m ents funded by the com m unity- supported 2008 zoo bond m easure. H um boldt penguins, w hich live along the South A m erican coastline o ff o f Peru and C hile, are classified as “vu ln erab le,” and in 2010 were granted protection under the U.S. E ndangered Species Act. Documentary shares the perspectives of the drug sellers T hrough the eyes o f seasoned drug dealers and law enfo rcem en t o ffi­ cials alike, the film deconstructs this econom ic structure starting w ith street-level dealers, w hose incom e is com parable to m in im u m w age earnings, all the w ay to accom plished drug im porters, w hose incom e can be estim ated at a m in im u m o f $ 100 m illion a year. T erry F amily FUNERAL HOME ANNIVERSARY An agent from the federal Drug Enforcement Agency brings some candor to the thought-provoking documentary “How to Make Money Selling Drugs, opening nationally this week with its Portland premier on Friday, June 28 at the Hollywood Theater in northeast Portland. cal rollout F riday, June 28 at the D a v id S im o n , th e d o c u m en tary H o lly w o o d T h e a te r in n o rth e a st gives you the lessons you need to Portland. T he film is currently avail- start y o u r ow n drug em pire w hile able on VOD, iTilines, exposing the corrup­ a n d o th e r o n d e ­ tion behind the "w ar í g fcp» » n t i - , «« wfei m and platform s. on drugs." A s h o c k in g ly “T h ere is a hard HOWTOMAKE MONEY can d id exam ination h onesty to w hat the o f how a street dealer ‘le sso n s’ o f the w ar can rise to cartel lord on drugs teach our w ith relativ e ease, y o u th ,” said C ooke. th e film is an “T he m ission o f the in s id e r ’s g u id e to film w as not to p ro­ the violent but e x ­ m ote those lessons tr e m e ly lu c r a tiv e but to expose them , drug industry. T old and to do so in a *»0M M M V C tH « M i l i U ( M l I AW M IT MAtCIII PREARRANGEMENT SPECIALS $250 Discount for Traditional Funeral/Cremation Services $100 Discount for Simple Cremation Or Transfer your prearrangement to us and receive a Free Video Tribute valued at $250 added to your preplanned funeral. Advanced planning can ease the stress on family members before the need arises. < *«IT f t « « feo O l i t e r i o l Y M A tY H tW C fM X g í. '■ wi tbt O’O» «T», SELLING DRUGS It offers individuals a chance to make sound and informed decisions regarding one's wishes and instructions to be followed at the time of death. Pre-paying for services also guarantees today's cost of services, merchandise and gives families peace of mind. ♦Mention this ad for discount. Offer expires 9/1/13. Prearrangements are funded and money held with Funeral Director's Life Insurance Company and will be paid to the funeral home upon death of policy holder. Call to set up an appointment 5 0 3 -2 4 9 -1 7 8 8 2337 N. Williams Avenue Portland, Oregon 97227