Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 26, 2013, Page 10, Image 10

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e 10______________________®lî* Fortiani» (Dbseruer____________
June 26, 2013
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Portland C Observer
H l
each m o n th as w ell as d is ­
co u n ted adm ission o f $5 to the
Planetarium , O M IM A X T h eater and
U SS B lueback subm arine.
G ood in the H ood P arad e - T he G ood in the H ood
parade o f com m unity leaders, organizations and b u si­
nesses from in n er north and northeast Portland is
Saturday, June 29. T he lineup starts at 11 a.m . at K ing
School P ark and proceeds dow n N ortheast M artin
L u th er K ing Jr., then w est on R ussell to L illis A lbina
P en in su la P ark C en ten n ial - P en in su la P ark and
C om m u n ity C enter, 700 N. R osa P arks W ay, w ill c e l­
eb rate 100 years w ith a celeb ratio n on T h u rsd ay , June
27 from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. There will be live e live m usic,
circus p erform ances, vendors, food, fam ily activity
stations, bouncy houses, rock w all clim b in g , p u p p et
show , ice cream social, n d a m ovie in the park to end
the night.
S om ew h ere in T im e - T he
new m usical S o m ew h ere in
T im e, based on the novel and
film , takes the Portland C e n ­
ter Stage w ith p erform ances
now playing through S u n ­
day, June 30. F o r tickets and
inform ation, call 503-445-
M el B row n L ive — P ortland ja z z giant M el B row n
perform s at S a lty ’s on the C olum bia every Friday and
Saturday night. K now n as the “G en tlem an o f Jaz z ,”
B row n has a career spanning o v er 4 0 years.
c: 503-548-3083
info(a)michelleharper. biz
_ i\ r in
G ood in the H ood F estival -
N o rm a n
S y lv ester jo in s a
group o f favorite en tertain ­
ers returning to the lineup for
G ood in the H ood, Friday, June
28 to Sunday, June 30, at L illis
A lbina Park at N orth Flint and
R ussell Street. A K ids Z one,
M arket Place and Inform ation
V illage are also part o f the festivi­
ties spotlighting north and northeast Portland.
F ire and Ice — U n co v er fossils, draw prehistoric re p ­
tiles, and m uch m ore at the
n atio n ’s first exhibit focused
on d in o sau r habitation for
children “ D inosaurs: L and
o f F ire and Ice.” L o cated at
the Portland C h ild re n ’s M u ­
seum , 4015 S.W . C anyon R d., the ex h ib it continues
through Sept. 22.
N o rm a n S y lv ester - B oogie C at N o rm an S y lv ester
and his b an d play T h u rsd ay , June 27 at the P eninsula
P ark 100th b irth d ay celeb ratio n ; Sunday, Ju n e 30 at
G o o d in the H o o d Festival at L illis A lb in a Park; and
M onday, July 1 at B uddies Sports B ar in A loha.
W h en a Sold ier C om es H om e — O regon p lay w rig h t
A ndrea Stolow itz ex am ­
ines the issues involved
w ith com ing ho m e from
w ar fo r both soldiers and
their fam ilies in the A rt­
ists R epertory T h eater
production o f ‘Ith ak a,’
now sh o w in g th ro u g h
Sunday, Ju n e 30 on the M orrison Stage, 1515 S.W .
M orrison St.
D iscou nt A d m ission ~ O M S I visitors pay only $2 p er
person for general adm ission on the first Sunday o f
M e e t th e A d d a m s F a m ily -- T he w eird and w onderful
fam ily com es to devilishly delightful life in the national
B roadw ay A cross A m erica m usical. P lays at K eller
A u d ito riu m th ro u g h Sunday, Ju n e 30.
O regon V oices — O regon V oices tells O re g o n ’s fasci­
nating h istory th ro u g h the eyes and ears o f the people
w ho lived it. T he new O regon H istorical Society exhibit
dives into a div erse range o f subjects, from the d is­
p lacem ent o f m inority pop u latio n s from urban d ev el­
opm ent, to cy cles o f boom and bust.
T h e S ou lfu l S h o w ca se - B lacque B utterfly presents
spoken w ord, live m usic and featured artists on the
second and fo u rth T h u rsd ay s o f each m onth at 8 p.m .
at E ’ N joni C afé, A frican-M editerranean cuisine at 910
N. K illin g sw o rth St.
A friq u e B istro B en efit - A frique B istro, 102 N .E.
R ussell St., o p en s its doors each last S aturday o f the
m onth to raise d onations fo r the A frican W o m en ’s
C oalition. G reat C aribbean and A frican m usic along
w ith good drinks and fun people, 9 p.m. to 2:30 a.m . $ 10
at the door.
O regon B lack H istory — T he B lack M u seu m o f O r­
egon group m eets every Saturday, from 6 p.m . to 8 p.m .
a t4 2 0 N.E. M ason. For m ore inform ation, call 503-284-
O pen M ic -- C urious C om edy, 5225 N.E. M artin Luther
K ing Jr. B lvd., hosts a free n ig h t o f stand-up c om edy
ev ery 2 nd and 4 th Sunday. O pen m ic com ics get three
m inutes, and au d ien ce m em b ers get a free sneak peak
at P o rtla n d ’s up and co m in g talent. S ignups start at
8:30 p.m . Show starts at 9 p.m .
L ive J a zz — E v ery Friday and S aturday from 8 p.m . to
11 p.m ., the T h ird D egrees L ounge at th e R iv er P lace
H otel, 1510 S.W . H arb o r W ay. N o c o v er o r m inim um
purchase. F o r m ore inform ation, visit p d x jazz.co m .
M u sic M illen n iu m F ree S h ow s -- T he M usic M illen ­
nium , 3158 E. B urnside, hosts in-house live p erfo r­
m ances. E njoy free m usic and the opportunity to m eet
artists. C all 503-231 -8926 fo r a schedule.
H u m or N ig h t—A w esom e com edians perfo rm stand­
up, sketch, and m ore at the w eekly R ecurring H um or
N ig h t every W ed n esd ay night at T onic L ounge. 3100
N .E . Sandy B lvd. Pay as you w ish, $3-5 donation
suggested. Show is 21+.
D iscount T ickets -- Local low -incom e families and indi­
viduals can purchase $5 tickets to classical m usical
perform ances in Portland as part o f a unique program
called M usic for All. Participating organizations include
the O regon Sym phony, Portland O pera, O regon Ballet
Theater, C ham ber M usic N orthw est, Portland Youth
Philharm onic, Portland Baroque O rchestra, Friends o f
C ham ber M usic, Portland C ham ber O rchestra, Portland
Piano International, Portland Symphonic Choir, Cappella
R om ana and Portland Vocal Consort.