^ìnrthinò (Obstruer Page 16 United Way of the Columbia- Willamette is seeking a tem po­ AREA I SIGN ERECTOR/MAKER Apprenticeship Program! Non Union) Requirements-min 18 yrs old, HS Diploma/GED & transcript w/one year of HS pre-algebra or higher with a passing grade of “C ” or bet­ ter, or equivalent community col­ lege placement test. Applications accepted Wednesdays only 1:30 P M - 4 PM rary, full-time Administrative Assis­ tant to perform a wide range of du­ ties in support of its annual fund­ ra isin g ca m p a ign . M ust have strong planning and organizational skills and an ability to organize a variety of tasks, meet deadlines, and attend to details thoroughly and accurately. High school di­ ploma and 3+ years administra­ tive experience preferred. Profi­ ciency with the Microsoft Office Suite required. Timeframe: 7/29/ 13 through 12/20/13. Compen­ sation of $12 hour. Position closes 6/30/13 or when filled. For addi­ tional information and to apply, go to : h ttp :/ / w w w .u n ite d w a y - pdx.org/careers/index.php. An Equal Opportunity Employer. AREA I PAINTERS Apprenticeship Program! Non Union) Requirements-min. 17 years old, GED/HS diploma. Applications accepted Wednesdays only 1:30 P M - 4 PM AREA I Plumbers Apprenticeship Program(Non Union) Requirements-min 18 yrs old, HS Diploma/GED and transcript w/1 yr. HS algebra or higher w/passing grade or equivalent community college placement test. Accepting applications June 1 7 -Ju lyll, 10 AM to 4 PM Monday-Thursday!closed Fridays) 15800 SW Boones Ferry Rd, Suite B3, Lake Oswego. Minorities and women encouraged to apply. www.areaonejatc.com Job Opportunities We are seeking qualified candi­ dates to be part of our dynamic public service organization. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE COORDINATOR L egal N otices SUB-BIDS REQUESTED City of Lake Oswego Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project Bids Due: 06/20/2013, by 2:00 PM Plans and Specifications are available online at StellarJ.com STELLAR J CORPORATION 1363 Down River Drive • Woodland, WA 98674 Phone: (360) 225-7996 Bid Fax: (360) 225-8007 Email: blds@stellar1.com CCB# 127903 WA#STELUC045J9 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from all subcontractors and suppliers including Minority, Women, Disadvantaged and Emerging Small Business Enterprises Additional Subcontracting Opportunities Available: www.stellari.com TR l© M E T Department of Diversity & Transit Equity Public Hearing Notice Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon is in the process of releasing its aspirational goal for FY 2014 - 2016. TriMet’s proposed aspirational goal for FY 2014 - 2016 is 11.63%. TriMet is seeking public feedback on its proposed aspirational goal regarding contracting opportunities and potential barriers for DBEs. Need to publish a court docu­ ment or notice? Need an affi­ davit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classlfleds@portiandobserver.com The Portland Observer @ Metro Ticket Seller - part-time, Portland Center for the Perform ing Arts, $13.51 hourly. Deadline to apply: 6/26/2013. To apply: visit our web site at: www.oregonmetro.gov/iobs for the complete job announcement and a link to our online hiring center or visit our lobby kiosk at Metro, 600 NE Grand Ave, Portland. AA/EEO Employer Drivers: Home Nightly-Portland! 1- Flatbed & 1-Reefer Run. Great Pay, Benefits! CDL-A ly r Exp. Req. E ste n so n L o g is tic s . A p p ly: www.goelc.com 1-866-336-9642 United Way of the Columbia- Willamette is hiring a Technical United Way of the Columbia- Support Manager. Responsibilities Willamette is hiring a Donor Choice $4,358 - $6,158 per Month Clark County Human Resources 1300 Franklin St-5th FI Vancouver WA Apply On-line @ www.clark.wa.gov Relay: (800) 833-6388 EOE June 19, 2013 A community discussion will be held at the Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs (OAME), 4134 N Vancouver Ave, Portland, OR 97217 on June 24, 2013 from 4 to 6 p.m. The meeting room is accessible. Submit written comments to TriMet, Attn: Department of Diversity & Transit Equity, 1800 SW First Avenue, Suite 300, Portland, OR 97201 or dbe@trimet.org Comments will be accepted through Ju ly26,2013. For alternative formats, please call 503-802-8200 or T T Y 503- 802-8058. include providing software and Specialist to perform a wide range hardware technical support, and of administrative/data entry du­ providing assistance with web and ties in support of the Donor Choice data base d evelopm ent, user Program. High school diploma and tra in in g and e d u c a tio n , and minimum of one year work experi­ projects to upgrade and enhance ence in an accounting or account­ IT systems. Bachelor’s degree, 3+ ing related position preferred.. years related experience, or a com­ Thoroughness, accuracy, and ex­ parable combination of education ceptional attention to detail re­ and experience. Hiring Range: quired. Must have demonstrated $46,000-$50,000 DOE. For addi­ data entry skills with speed and tional information and to apply, go accuracy in keyboarding/10-key h ttp :/ / w w w .u n ite d w a v - and a basic understanding of data to : pdx.org/careers/index.php. Posi­ m a n a g e m e n t. H irin g R ange: tion open until filled. An Equal Op­ $33,000-$45,000, DOE. For ad­ ditional information and to apply, portunity Employer. go to: h ttp ://w w w .u n ite d w a y- United Way of the Columbia- pdx.org/careers/index.php. Posi­ Willamette is seeking self-m oti­ tion open until filled. An Equal Op­ portunity Employer. vated, enthusiastic, and flexible in­ dividuals for several temporary, full-time Community Account Man­ United Way of the Columbia- ager positions for its fall 2013 Willamette is seeking a tempo­ campaign. Make a difference in rary, full-time Campaign Clerk to per­ our community by raising funds for form a wide range of supply-han­ health and human service pro­ dling responsibilities in support of grams. Bachelor’s degree in Busi­ its annual fund-raising campaign. ness, M arketing, C om m unica­ Must have strong planning and tions, or a related field preferred. organizational skills and an ability Work experiences that align with to organize a variety of tasks, meet the position’s requirem ents re­ deadlines, and attend to details quired. Must have valid driver’s li­ thoroughly and accurately. High cense, insurance, and a reliable school diploma and related work vehicle. Compensation of $600/ experience preferred. Proficiency week plus business-related ex­ with the Microsoft Office Suite re­ penses. Tim e fra m e : 8 /12 /1 3 quired. Knowledge of design soft­ th ro u g h 1 2 /1 3 /1 3 . P o sitio n ware (Adobe Creative Suite) pre­ closes 6/30/13 or when all posi­ fe rre d . T im e fra m e : 8 /1 2 /1 3 tions have been filled. Invitations through 11/15/13. Com pensa­ to interview will begin the week of tion of $12 hour. Position closes 6/24/13. For additional informa­ 6/30/13 or when filled. For addi­ tion and to apply, go to: http:// tional information and to apply, go www.unitedwav-pdx.org/careers/ to : h ttp :/ / w w w .u n ite d w a v - index.php. An Equal Opportunity pdx.org/carebrs/index.php. An Employer. Equal Opportunity Employer. Advertise with diversity in Thc Portland Call 503-288-(M)33 ( Observer adsC° portlandobsci ver.com