lune 12. 2013 giordani» (Observer Page 9 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views of the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to Still Waiting for Equal Pay Act’s Promise 50 years later gender gap still exists by L isa M aatz June 10 m arked the 50th anniversary of the federal legislation that required em ­ ployers to give women and men equal pay for equal work. Newsflash: It’s not w ork­ ing. This golden anniversary is m ore call for action than cause for celebration be­ cause women are still w aiting for the Equal Pay A ct’s prom ise to com e true. But d o n 't think w e ’re w aiting p a ­ tiently— or silently. And d o n ’t think you are imm une from this pernicious problem . The gender pay gap exists for women in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. It exists regardless of w hether states have pay equity laws in place that supple­ ment the Equal Pay Act, although several states do not have any specific pay equity law whatsoever. U nbelievably, W iscon­ sin actually just repealed its equal pay law. And the pay gap exists in states where governors are doing excellent work on equal pay: Gov. Peter Shum lin in Vermont recently signed stronger equal pay legis­ lation into law, and Gov. Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii and Gov. M ark Dayton o f M in­ nesota issued Equal Pay Day proclam a­ tions this year. But until the pay gap goes the way of the dodo bird, every state has more to do. That means your governor owes women and fam ilies an Equal Pay Act anniversary “present.” And the Am erican Association of U niversity W omen has the perfect idea for a gift. President Barack Obama recently ordered federal agencies to develop plans to address pay discrepancies among employees in the federal workforce, including evaluating poli­ cies for setting starting salaries and looking at how to promote greater transparency in starting salaries. Your governor could— and should— order state agencies to evaluate and take action on their pay practices as well. Your governor should do this because equal pay is everyone’s business. Families and communities are economically stronger when there is fair pay. Every day women nationwide work just as hard only to receive less. On average, women make 77 cents to a man s dollar, and that number is much worse for moms and women of color. The gender pay gap starts right after college and com­ pounds over a woman’s career. Even after accounting for all the factors that affect earn­ ings, AAUW found that women just one year out of college are still paid almost 7 percent less than their male counterparts are paid. That’s nearly a year’s worth of grocer­ ies and 1,400 tall Starbucks coffees. Plus, women vote— and we deserve serious ac­ tion on the issues we care about. Statistics tell us that every action avail­ able needs to be taken, and the Obama admin­ istration has provided a step that governors can take immediately. I ’ 11 leave it up to you as to how you ask your governor for your “present” — Twitter, Facebook, e-mail, let­ ter. B ut no matter how you decide to do it, I’ 11 guarantee you one thing. Unlike the Equal Pay Act, the technology you’ll use— even if it’s just a pen and paper— was updated in the last 50 years. Technology has changed. The workforce has changed. But the federal legislation de­ signed to ensure women are paid equally to men hasn’t changed— and it isn’t working. Someday, women will celebrate the Equal Pay Act anniversary. But we’ll do so when we get what we were promised: equal pay for equal work. Lisa Maatz is the vice president o f gov­ ernment relations at the American Associa­ tion o f University Women. Modern Day Drum Major We must refresh our hearts and minds by R ev . J oseph L owery On April 9,1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached a message that was strikingly ap­ plicable to the lives of modem day civil rights leaders and leaders of America's future. In the pulpit of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta only five days before he was assassinated. Dr. King meticulously outlined the anatomy of what he called, the "drum major instinct". In that message, he drew from the book of Mark, Chapter 10, starting with Verse 13 where Jesus’ disciples, James and John, asked to be placed on the Lord's right side and on his left side in glory. Jesus gave them an answer that resonates today as I contem­ plate the current state of equality and justice in America and the necessary anatomy of today's drum major. The Lord told them that their placement in glory was not his to give. Rather their place­ ment in glory - and anyone else's - would be contingent upon how they served here on earth. Specifically, Dr. King quoted the pas­ sage as saying, "But whosoever o f you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all." Dr. King then described how some in leadership positions mistakenly think that they should be sat on high, receive expen- ¡S u b s c rib e I 503-288-0033 sive houses, cars, and receive exclusive ac­ cess simply because of their positions. But, now, just as Dr. King pointed out then, the anatomy of the drum major - the leader that sets the tempo for justice and equality in America - must be the soul that is willing to humbly serve. As then, the drum major instinct has been perverted and must now be corrected in order for us to reach our righteous goals. In other words, as we look at the current state of equality and justice in America, we must refresh our hearts and minds, as Dr. King said, with "a new definition of greatness". What he was saying is that it is not wrong to desire to be important, to want quality things and access. But those things are not equivalent to greatness. Greatness must be earned, he said. And that new definition is simple - service. As much work as has been done and as much progress as has been made, there is much work needed as racial disparities in this nation are still horrendous. In a nutshell: African-Americans are in­ carcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites, according to the NAACP. Yet, the NAACP also reports that five times as many white Americans are using drugs as black Americans, but blacks are sent to prison for drug offenses at 10 times the rate of whites. Economically, according to the U. S. Cen­ sus Bureau, approximately 30 percent of Attn\ Subscriptions, The Portland Observer, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208. $45.00for3m onths»$80.00for6m o.»$125.00forl year (include check ) | I N ame : I I T elephone : I A ddress : I I or email I I I I I I blacks are living in poverty. And the racial cence their deaths sent multiple messages. breakdown of that statistic is riveting. The Among those messages that they preached National Urban League reports that the equal­ from the grave was the fact that they died ity index o f black America stands at 71.7 nobly and they did not die in vain because percent. This means that on average, Afri­ "unmerited suffering is redemptive." Yes, can-Americans enjoy less than three-fourths the deaths of those children, and even too of the benefits and privileges offered to white many of our children today who have died by Americans. senseless violence and even at the hands of Educationally, the Urban League reports terrorists, have taught us that we must in­ that African-Americans have closed the col­ deed temper courage with caution. lege enrollment gap at five times the rate of But, in modem day America, we too often closing the unemployment rate gap. Still the find ourselves - not cautious, but afraid. racial disparities are deep. The National Cen­ Instead of challenging the systems that op­ ter for Education Statistics reports that press; instead of crying out in non-violent though college attendance is steadily rising protest where it is warranted; instead of for people of color, it is only around 14 acting upon the courage of our convictions, percent for blacks, 13 percent for Latinos and we far too often live in fear of what we might 61 percent for whites. lose or what we personally might not attain. The state of equality and justice in America But, the drum major instinct is one that is tells us that an astronomically higher level of impeded by fear because it requires both service is needed, one that must replace any vision and mobility. mindset of being recognized and awarded for In order to attain an acceptable status of every move. equality and justice in America, the drum People from the grassroots to Congress to majors of our communities must keep mov­ the White House; people from the churches ing. That means, those of us who have been to the streets to the prisons; people from the given much are required to give much. We educational institutions to the businesses to must mentor the young, we must teach truth, the civil rights organizations; people in every we must take action where it is warranted, and comer of our society must rise up and take by all means one of those actions must be to leadership by placing their hands to the venture to the polls at every opportunity and plows where they are. Without looking vote. around to see who is looking, without seek­ As we move this great nation forward, let ing name recognition and reward, at every us take a moment to recognize the drum major age and in every season, we must not shrink instinct within each of us. Let us take per­ from the courage to say and to do that which sonal leadership of ourselves and yield to is right. our individual responsibilities to make a dif­ This year is not only the 50th anniversary ference. Then and only then, will we perfect of the March on Washington for Jobs and the noble art of leadership. Only then will we Freedom; but it is the 50th anniversary of - through our service - become "the chiefest those four little girls killed on Sept. 15,1963 among us." in the bombing at the 16th Street Baptist The Rev. Joseph Lowery was a co­ Church in Birmingham, Ala. In Dr. King's fo u n d er o f the Southern Christian Lead­ sermon at their funeral, he spoke of how they ership Conference alongside Dr. M artin had not died in vain for even in their inno­ Luther King Jr.