Fortiani» (Dbseruer Page 4 Free Clinic has New Director Dr. Praneeti Parjan is the new director at the Free Clinic of Southwest Washington, located at 4100 Plomondon Street in Vancouver. Her responsibilities include the oversight of acute care, including the clinic’s vision and immunization programs, flu- pertussis clinics, health screening clinic, and emergency pre­ scription assistance program. The position also encompasses supervision of the transitional diabetes program, glaucoma program, and Project Access - a program which connects uninsured patients needing specialty care with nearly 300 specialists and the two hospitals in Clark County. Previously, Parjan was Clinic Manager for the Essential Health Clinic in Hillsboro, where she managed service delivery to uninsured patients. She received her medical degree from Tver State Medical Academy in Russia, and did her residency in New Delhi, India. Patrick Callahan, who has been director of the Vancouver Patrick Callahan clinic for the past five years, is welcomes Praneeti leaving to attend the Univer­ Parjan to the Free sity of Washington, where he Clinic o f Southwest has been accepted to medical Washington. school. The Free Clinic of South­ west Washington provides quality medical, dental, and vision services at no cost for uninsured children and adults. Schools Short on Physical Activity A — D ¿»nrlinrv < 17 «-Í t i (AP) Reading, writing, arithmetic — and PE? The prestigious Institute of Medicine is rec­ ommending that schools provide opportunities for at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day for students and that PE become a core subject. The recent report says only about half of the I _xl »_ x . 1 . « nation's youngsters are getting at least an hour of vigorous or moderate-intensity physical ac tivity every day. A nother concern, the report says, is that 44 percent of school adm inistrators report slashing big chunks of time from physical education, arts and recess since the passage of the No Child Left Behind law in 2001 in order to boost classroom time for reading and math. With childhood obesity on the rise — about 17 percent of children ages 2 through 19 are obese — and kids spending much of the day in the classroom, the chairman of the committee that wrote the report said schools are the best place to help shape up the nation's children. I lo v e y o u I lo v e y o u 1 lo v e y o u I lo v e y o u lune 12. 2013 H ealth W atch Powerful Tools For Caregivers -- 6- week educational series designed to help family caregivers take care of themselves while caring for rela­ tives or friends with chronic illness. Class size is limited, and registration is required. Call 503-413-8018. Leg Alert Screening - Check for peripheral arterial disease with this safe, simple screening using ankle and arm blood pressure. The fee is $40. To schedule an appointment, call503-251-6137. Smoke-Free Support Group - Meets Mondays, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. For information, call 503-256-4000. Osteoporosis Screening - An ul­ trasound bone density screening with personalized education; fee $30. To schedule an appointment, call 503-261-6611. Family Caregiver Support Group - - This topic-oriented group offers a safe place to discuss the stresses, challenges and rewards of provid­ ing care to an older relative or friend. Meets the first Thursday of each month at 3 p.m. at Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital. Free Body Basics -- This physician recommended class is appropriate for all ages and health conditions. Plan to attend this one-session class and learn the simple guidelines for safe exercises, including stretching. Call 503-256-4000 to register. Take OfTPounds Sensibly --TOPS meetings are held every Tuesday at 9 the St. Michael's and All Angels Church, 1704N.E. 43rd Ave. Anyone interested is invited to learn about this weight loss support pro­ gram which offers information, en­ couragement, weekly programs, fun contests, discussion and socializa­ tion. Cholesterol Profiles — Get the re­ sources to help you keep an eye on your cholesterol and other indica­ tors of heart health. Educational material provided. For more infor­ mation, call 503-261-6611. Bereavement Support Groups - Free, safe confidential group meet­ ings for those who have experienced the death of a loved one offered on various nights and locations. For information and registration, call 503-215^4622. WOMEN'S HEALTHCARE ASSOCIATES LLC W e a r e WOMEN'S HEALTHCARE ASSOCIATES. w w w .w h a llc .c o m RECOMMENDED BY BABIES ALL OVER THE PORTLAND METRO AREA— INCLUDING EASTBANK & TABOR. Maternity Water Workout - Help­ ing new moms regain muscle tone, strength, and flexibility, all in the sup­ port and freedom of the water. Call 503-256-4000for more information. Senior Aerobics — A low-impact workout geared specifically toward seniors. Call 503-449-0783 for cur­ rent schedule.