Royalty Calls on Madison Madison senior first Queen o f Rosaria in 39 years See story, page 2 Searching for Sugar Man A prophetic outsider voice finds an audience See Metro, page 11 b s p r lip r ‘City of Roses’ community' service photo in D o \o \ w M. S mith / I III P o K 11. \ \ | J ()|5SI K\ I R Portland filmmaker Jordan Thierry is working to empower men of color with his documentary ‘The Black Fatherhood Project’ which explores fatherhood past, present and future. ■ • ■■ ■ \ I Black Fatherhood Portland filmmaker takes aim at the complexities W was a households headed by single-m others. This dis­ crepancy was som ething Thierry says he co u ld n ’t ig ­ nore; there had to be a reason why. ith Father’s Day coming up this weekend, many Black Fatherhood Project”. dads are geared up to receive the all too familiar The Portland resident said the docum entary was gifts of ugly ties and pairs of spotless new socks, sparked by the troubling disparity he noticed am ongst but first-time filmmaker Jordan Thierry explores some much his peers; m any o f his Caucasian friends had fathers more complex traditions of patronage in his debut film “The present while for his A frican-A m erican friends the norm continued on page 2