Çortlaith (Observer lune 5. 2013 IN S ID E TheWeek Review This page Sponsored by: Page 2 Page 3 Fred Meyer What's on your list today?. S ports Page 4 Diversity Champion Remembered il!' p o ttia n i» (O b serv e r Jerry Walker’s passion was a better world Sustainability pages 6-7 B if f WWt,A; '5 G ood O pinion pages 8-9 C alendar METRO Jerry Walker, a longtime commu­ nity champion for diversity, inclu­ sion and equality is being remem­ « « Tie G o o Ç é bered for his passion to make the world better, his big heart and his gentle spirit after his death at the age of 60. Walker died May 26 in Austin, Texas where he had recently ac­ cepted a management position for the city of Austin. He retired last fall as assistance director of equity at Jerry Walker Home Forward, formally Housing Authority of Portland. During his vices of Oregon, Business Diver­ Page 10 career in Portland, he also held po­ sity Institute, American Contract sitions at Multnomah County, the Compliance Association, and Na­ Port of Portland, and Oregon Health tional Forum for Black Public Ad­ and Science University, ministrators - Oregon Chapter. In Walker worked tirelessly in the total, he participated with or held business community to ensure fair positions in excess of 50 local and and equitable treatment for minority national boards and committees. He and women owned businesses. He spoke at high schools, local and was a volunteer in the fight against national conferences, and was al­ HIV/AIDS, serving on the Ryan ways available to assist with local White Planning Council of Oregon, and national projects in hopes of where he helped reduce the stigma creating equality and opportunities from the disease, even appearing on for others. billboards to raise awareness and to He was the first person to receive Page 11 | encourage testing and safe sex prac­ a Lifetime Achievement Award from tices Portland’s Business Diversity In­ He held executive board posi­ stitute. The Skanner newspaper tions with the Micro Enterprise Ser- honored him as a Drum Major for Justice. His procurement and eq­ uity efforts were also recognized by the American Contract Compliance Association as well as a number of other national and local organiza­ tions. He also volunteered with Brother to Brother, Cascade Aids Project and PFL AG Portland Black Chapter. Jerry Walker was bom on July 8, 1952 to Sallie and Jessie Walker, Jr. in Galveston, Texas. He graduated from LaMarque ISD High School and joined and toured the U.S. and Europe with Up With People. He later enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and served as a Korean Linguist for some time. He received a Bachelor’s of Arts from St. Mary ’ s of California prior to beginning his lifelong ca­ reer of public service. He was preceded in death by his loving m other, Sallie W alker; brother, Robert Walker, and part­ ners Michael and Phillip. He leaves to cherish his memory his father, Jesse Walker Jr; sister, Kathryn Robinson; brother, Jesse III and host o f nieces, nephews, friends and colleagues. Memorial contributions may be made to the PFL AG Portland Black Chapter, PO Box 6743, Portland, OR 97228; the Cascade Aids Project, 208 S. W. Fifth Ave., Suite 800, Port­ land, OR 97204; and Our House of Portland, 2727 S.E. Alder, Portland, OR97214. Date Set for 2nd MLK Dream Run Annual event supports north and northeast Portland by L ee C lassifieds page 18 F o o d page 20 P erlman T he P ortland O bserver This year marks the 50th anniver­ sary of the civil rights movement’s March on Washington and Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream speech. As one way of honoring the event, the North-Northeast Busi­ ness Association is holding its sec­ ond annual Dream Run. On Sunday, Aug. 4, participants will assemble at 7 a.m. at Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Alberta Street for 5, 10 and 15 kilometer road runs. Along the way they’ll be cooled from the summer Proceeds from the event will go to NNEBA’s Fellows Program, a youth entrepreneurial training pro­ gram, and the North by Northeast Community Health Clinic. Sponsors include the Nike Community Store, Metro Regional Government, Kai­ ser Permanente, Lawyer’s Title, Flossin Media, and the Portland Observer. The Dream Run was inaugurated as a way to get people to visit and promote the residential neighbor­ hoods and business districts of in­ Martin Luther King Jr. ner north and northeast Portland, sun by misting stations and enter­ also known as the Soul District. tained by church choirs. There will This year on the day before the be prizes for the top men and women race - Saturday, Aug. 3 - organizers finishers of each race, and all run­ will be holding an MLK Dream Run ners will receive t-shirts, cinch packs Health and Expo-tique, with food, filled with goodies, and Cash entertainment, and booths by busi­ Duckets good for discounts at par­ nesses and health-related organiza- ticipating businesses. There will also continued on page 4 be a raffle good for still more prizes.