luneS, 2013 ®** |3ortJanh GÖbserncr Central Park Five. ^ P h o t o ^ y ^ Page 19 t0 th& courthouse- The story o f injustice is portrayed in the Ken Burns documentary “ The i »urrà/ VUUI t Wrongfully from page U saults throughout the park. k V Ti 4 I I I \ / I f I H i , 1116 fllm dOCS 3 her° ic j ° b of marshalling and making what sense A A A is possible of these ultimately in- ^ d e n c e thatthe five tne„ ou, had no, the actual perpetrator “ l e r e " ° " The filmmakers astutely note the evidence that someone else did criticism T h ^ similarities between there press that complain, i X X v e X t t a X X d r e e fromW «»criminal ju sfi« thinking that there was something we can take away from it, and that we'll be better people, I think what N O Pverygood people O a r ^ O r t e ^ u d g e o n ,/re system, not least because it pro- Oregon Court o f Appeals and the an occasion for deep reflec- woman „/coZorm serve in r t o accounts and the press that pre- sistent desire of the dominant cul- 10 years Far from makineriohre ” .l0" ° " our co ec,lve bllndness lo capacity. Hermovie review column ceded lynchings in the South de- hire to find some reaso“ cuse s o m X m ^ ? 8 8 7 *nS' 1,ut,onal »PPresston. Opinionated Judge appears regu- cades before. When the beaten injustice by continuine to die for rat e o, w a was wrongly As expressed on camera by his- larly in the Portland Observer. You woman was found, police rounded n ir e e v i d e n c e t h a t t e v i U ^ up a number of these kids, interro- how brought it on themselves. 1— _ « ■ ■ — « gated them for hours, and eventu- The filmmakers'choice, instead, ally obtained confessions from four to focus on the point of view of the teenagers who barely knew each accused men seemed to me an ap- other; those four implicated a fifth, propriate and rarely seen counter- The confessions were completely balance to the enormous energy inconsistent with each other and devoted to prosecuting them and inconsistent with the physical evi- pillorying them in the press. It al- dence, including DNA evidence, lows a flavor of the fear, naivete, Each ofthe boys implicated the oth- and utter disenfranchisement that ers, on promise of leniency which contributed to five children con- they did not receive. They and their fessing to such heinous crimes, families, functioning without coun- What comes across is how so- sel, were helpless and easily ma- cial inequalities functioned in this nipulated. The boys were between case. These boys and their families the ages of 14 and 16, and all re- were expendable. They did not have canted their confessions shortly a sense of their rights, or a sense after and have maintained their in- that they even had rights. I can't nocence ever since. think of a film that has done a com- One ofthe remarkable things about parable job of reflecting on the real these young men is how they come implications of such disenfran- across in telling their stories. They chisement. seem remarkably present and real, All the while that these young wounded but not hard-bitten. Part of men sat accused and then con- what makes this film so important is victed, law enforcement had the the respect they are accorded by the DNA of a serial rapist who was the filmmakers, whohaveobviously taken real perpetrator, and whose DNA the time to earn their trust. was found at the scene. They did Some of the reviews I've read not bother to investigate any other complain that the filmmakers did not theories, though, after obtaining push harder to find out if any of the four confessions that jibed neither men were among the kids who com- with each other nor with the evi- mitted other crimes that night, some- dence at the scene, thing they all deny. To me, given the The truth would never had come ---------------- f z-l 4-L. . -------- -------------------------------------— »» 11 V I I ty g P h 1 in a bow 31x1 °Pini°natedjudge. blogspot. com. U lV lllO V lV V O . X* T erry F amily F uneral H ome FUNERAL HOME ANNIVERSARY PREARRANGEM ENT SPECIALS $250 Discount for Traditional Funeral/Cremation Services $100 Discount for Simple Cremation Or Transfer your prearrangement to us and receive a Free Video Tribute valued at $250 added to your preplanned funeral. Advanced planning can ease the stress on family members before the need arises. It offers individuals a chance to make sound and informed decisions regarding one's wishes and instructions to be followed at the time of death. Pre-paying for services also guarantees today's cost of services, merchandise and gives families peace of mind. •Mention this ad for discount. Offer expires 9/1/13. Prearrangements are funded and money held with Funeral Director's Life Insurance Company and will be paid to the funeral home upon death of policy holder. Call to set up an appointment 5 0 3 -2 4 9 -1 7 8 8 2337 N. Williams Avenue Portland, Oregon 97227