lu n e 5. 2013 Çortlanb (Obscruer Page 17 _» • •• - A large gathering o f supporters gathered a t Oaks Park in southeast Portland Saturday for Portland's third annual ‘ Walk to End Lupus.’ Community Support to End Lupus Supporters came out in full force Saturday for Portland’s third annual “Walk to End Lupus.” The fundraiser for the 36-year-old Lupus Founda­ tion is aimed at increased education, research, and advocacy to combat the devastating disease. The ailment which attacks the immune system can often leave people, mostly women susceptible to a host o f other diseases which too often lead to death. There is currently no known cure for lupus. Meies Matz a longtime-advocate for the foundation showed up with a 45-person team under the banner “The Strength of Us” in honor of Alexandria Martin, a 21-year-old Portland woman who succumbed to lupus a couple of weeks back. Matz says A frican-A m erican women are three to four percent more likely to develop the mysteri­ ous disease than their Caucasian counterparts. “For some reason African-Ameri­ can women are more likely to die from this and we don’t know why, that is why this is important.” Additional information about The Lupus Foundation and ways do­ nate can be found on their website Showdogs mbmhhhhhhhi Cold Case Murder Arrest Portland police have ar­ rested a suspect for murder in a 1 9-y ear-o ld co ld case. Marvin Lee Lambert, 37, was indicted on May 24 for the 1994 death of Brian Hill. Hill, then 26, was shot M ay 19, 1994, in the drive­ way o f his hom e at 6435 N. Gay Ave. His girlfriend and two children immediately ran outside the house to help him after hearing the gun­ shots. N eighbors also tried to provide assistance. He was rushed to Emanuel H ospital by param edics, but d id n o t s u r v iv e , d y in g nearly a m onth later from his injuries. A fter re-rev iew in g the m u rd e r in v e s tig a tio n in 2010, the Portland P olice’s ____ Cold Case H om icide Unit Brian Hill baths, and ear cleaning. We also have health care and grooming products to keep your pet clean in between visits. Show Dogs Grooming Salon & Boutique Marvin Lee Lambert cam e across a new lead. O fficials said that one piece o f forensic evidence pointed to Lam ­ bert. He is currently in federal cus­ tody and will be arraigned on these charges in the com ing weeks. Police say more arrests are pos­ sible. 926 N. Lombard Portland, OR 97217 503-283-1177 Tiiesday-Saturday 9am-7pm Monday 10am-4pm Yo dawg is gonna look like a show dawg and your kitty will be pretty.