Jßortlanh (ßbsernrr Page 12 B U S I N E S S G u id e YOU CALL, WE HAUL Dr. H. L. Hodge, Ph D. Counselor/Life Coach lune 5, 2013 Afts V I \II1 1 M fiitism si HODGE COMPREHENSIVE Johnny Huff COUNSELING SERVICE (owner/operator) Portland Congress Center 1001 S\V Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100 Portland, Oregon 97204 Let us walk through with you: * Relationships * Grief * Substance Abuse Issues * Anger Issues Scrapping Metal & Landscape Maintenance Home: (503) 284-0192 Cell: (503) 839-9461 AFFO R D A BLE N E G O T A B LE By Appointment 5 0 3 -2 2 0 -1 7 9 0 L a Cage aux Folles - The criti­ c a lly ac claimed and Tony Award-winning musical, La Cage aux Folles has come to town. Based on the Jean Poirets comedy, it tells the story of a glitzy nightclub-owner in a two- man relationship, whose son Jean-Michael has re­ cently become engaged to the daughter of an ultra­ conservative and political family. Showings at Lake- wood Theatre in Lake Oswego continue through Sun­ day, June 9. CUIDE Stats Firm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent ;.oo TEES CLUBS FAMILY REUNIONS SCHOOL CLUBS BUSINESSES SCREEN PRINTING 4946 N Vancouver Avenue, Portland, OR 97217 503 286 1103 Fax M 3 2861146 ernie.hill h5mb@statefarnj com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® STATI fAIM A IM S M IA M C I 503-762-6042 971-570-8214 Rose Festival Grand Floral Parade — The marquee event of the Portland Rose Festival, the Grand Floral Parade, takes off Saturday at 10 a.m. from the Memorial Coliseum in the Rose Quarter and traveling up to Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and across the Burnside Bridge to downtown Portland streets. The Rose Festival’s City Fair will continue on the downtown waterfront with rides, entertainment and exhibits through Sunday, June 9. Mel Brown Live - Portland jazz giant Mel Brown performs at Salty’s on the Columbia every Friday and Saturday night. Known as the “Gentleman o f Jazz,” Brown has a career spanning over 40 years. W in d e r m e r e ESTATE Windermere Peninsula Realty 6110N Lombard Portland, OR 97203 (503)333-5809 Fax(5O3) 283-6300 peter.clarke @ windermere.com LegalShield Worry Less. Live More. c: 503-548-3083 info@michelleharper. biz www. michelleharper. biz p Michelle M. Harper Independent Associate Small Business A Group Benefits Specialist O regon Voices — Oregon Voices tells O regon’s fascinating history through the eyes and ears o f the people who lived it. The new Oregon Historical Society exhibit dives into a diverse range of subjects, from the displacem ent of m inority popu­ lations from urban developm ent, to cycles o f boom and bust. The Soulful Show case — B lacque B u tterfly p re ­ sents spoken word, live music and featured artists on the second and fourth Thursdays o f each m onth at 8 p.m. at E ’N joni Café, A fric a n -M e d ite rra n e a n cuisine at 910 N. K illingsw orth St. A friq u e B istro B en efit - A frique Bistro, 102 N.E. Russell St., opens its doors each last Saturday of the m onth to raise donations for the A frican W om en’s Coalition. G reat C aribbean and African music along with good drinks and fun people, 9 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. $10 at the door. O regon Black H istory - The Black M useum o f Oregon group m eets every Saturday, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at 420 N.E. Mason. For m ore information, call 503-284-0617. O pen M ic - Curious Com edy, 5225 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd., hosts a free night o f stand-up com edy every 2nd and 4th Sunday. Open mic com ­ ics get three m inutes, and audience m em bers get a free sneak peak at P o rtlan d ’s up and com ing talent. Signups start at 8:30 p.m. Show starts at 9 p.m. Live Jazz - Every Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m ., the T hird D egrees Lounge at the River Place Hotel, 1510 S.W . H arbor W ay. No cover or m inim um purchase. For m ore inform ation, visit pdxjazz.com. M usic M illennium Free Shows - The M usic M il­ lennium , 3158 E. Burnside, hosts in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free m usic and the opportu­ nity to m eet artists. Call 503-231 -8926 for a sched­ ule. <> REAL through June 16 every Tues­ day and Sunday. Fire and Ice -- Uncover fossils, draw prehistoric rep­ tiles, and much more at the nation’s first exhibit fo­ cused on dinosaur habitation for children “Dinosaurs: Land of Fire and Ice.’’ Located at the Portland Children’s Museum, 4015 S. W. Canyon Rd., the exhibit continues through Sept. 22. Norman Sylvester — Boogie Cat Norman Sylvester and his band play Friday, June 7 at the West Linn Saloon; and Saturday, June 8 atTillicum. The People’s Republic of Portland—Comic performer and author Lauren Weedman holds her magnifying glass over the City of Roses in her o n e-w o m an show , The People’s Republic of Port­ land. Shows are running Humor Night -- Awesome comedians perform stand­ up, sketch, and m ore at the w eekly R ecurring H u­ m or Night every W ednesday night at Tonic Lounge. 3100 N.E. Sandy Blvd. Pay as you wish, $3-5 dona­ tion suggested. Show is 21+. Discount Tickets — Local low-incom e fam ilies and individuals can purchase $5 tickets to classical m usical perform ances in Portland as part o f a unique program called M usic for All. Participating organi­ zations include the Oregon Sym phony, Portland Opera, Oregon Ballet Theater, C ham ber M usic N orthwest, Portland Y outh Philharm onic, Portland Baroque O rchestra, Friends o f Cham ber M usic, Portland Cham ber O rchestra, Portland Piapo Inter­ national, Portland Sym phonic C hoir, C appella Rom ana and Portland Vocal Consort. D iscount Adm ission - OM SI visitors pay only $2 per person for general adm ission on the first Sun­ day o f each m onth as w ell as discounted adm ission o f $5 to the Planetarium , OM IM AX T heater and USS Blueback subm arine.