^lortlanh (Observer Maj<29, 2013 Page 9 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver.com. My Tea Party ‘Taliban’ Comment Racists don’t like being called out J ulian B ond I have alw ays s u s p e c te d th a t racists didn't like bein g c alled out for their racism . N ow I have proof. W h e n I to ld M S N B C 's T h o ­ m as R oberts that the T e a P arty w as "the T aliban w ing o f A m erican p o li­ tics," a firestorm erupted. A rguing the IR S w as co rrect to target them for ex tra scrutiny, I also said, "H ere are a gro u p o f people w ho are adm ittedly racist, w ho are overtly political" and therefore w o r­ thy o f IRS concern. I w as not prepared for the slew o f angry em ails, including tw o from self-identified black people (y o u r w orst nightm are, one said) I re ­ ceived. M any o f them sugg ested I leave the country, rem iniscent o f the "G o back to A frica" chants racist crow ds o f w hites shouted at b lack p ro test­ ors in m y youth. by O ne said m y ad v an ced age - 1 am 73 - m eant I w ould not be around to m ake such m isch ief m u ch longer, and I should p re­ pare fo r that q u ick eventuality. A few suggested m y e m ­ ployer fire m e, not know ing that I retired from that jo b a y ear ago. Several o f the m essages w ere badly w ritten w ith m isspelled w ords, including one from a relative by m arriage — you can't choose your in-law s—reading "Y ourcallingfolks T alab an s borders on traitorism ." T his sam e co rresp o n d en t noted I had been "head o f the m ost classic racist group in o u r country," refer­ ring to the N A A C P , w hose board I ch aired fo r 11 years. O thers ch arac­ terized the N A A C P , the nation's oldest civil rights g roup, interracial in m em b ersh ip and ded icated to ra­ cial integration since 1909, in the sam e w ay. A fter an ex ch an g e o f m essages w ith som e o f them , trying to c o n ­ vince them that w hile I o p p o sed it, I didn't co n d em n every m em b er o f the T ea Party, the interactions b e ­ cam e m ore civ il and less hostile. Som e even w ished m e w ell. B ut to a p erson they rejected the labels "racism " and "racist," even as I thought I h ad p roved that the T ea Party has had racist, anti-Sem itic and nativist elem ents fro m its b e ­ ginning until today. O ne source is a study co nducted fo r the N A A C P b y the Institute fo r R esearch and E ducation for H um an R ights. T h eir study, called "Tea Party N atio n alism ," fo u n d "T ea Party ranks to be p erm eated w ith co n ­ cerns about race and national iden­ tify and oth er so-called social is­ sues. In these ranks, an abiding o b sessio n w ith B arack O b am a's birth certificate is often a stand-in fo r the b e lie f that the first black p resid en t o f the U nited States s not a "real A m erican." It says T ea Party o rg an izatio n s have given platform s to anti-Sem ites, racists and b igots and "hard-core w h ite n atio n alists h av e b een a t­ tracted" to T ea Party protests. T he link betw een the T ea Party and the Taliban was m ade by a prom i­ nent R epublican office holder. In 2008, the W ashington Post rep o rted that fo rm er C hairm an o f the R epublican C ongressional C o m ­ m ittee and p resent day C o n g ress­ m an Pete S essions likened the G O P H ouse m inority to the T aliban, say ­ ing, "Insurgency, w e u nderstand perhaps a bit m ore because o f the T aliban." Just as m y argum ents failed to co n v in ce m y co rresp o n d en ts, so apparently does the actual evidence: N ot the ugly racist signs and p lac­ ards d isp lay ed at T e a Party rallies, not the shouts o f the "n" w ord aim ed at m em bers o f the C ongressional B lack C aucus, not the spittle hurled at civil rights icon and C o n g ress­ m an Jo h n L ew is, not the racists e x ­ pelled from the T ea Party for their venom , not the association o f m any m em bers w ith the C ouncil o f C o n ­ servative C itizens, a lineal d escen ­ dant o f the W hite C itizen C ouncil, not the anti-gay slurs aim ed at form er C ongressm an B arney Frank, not the m e m b e rs w h o se r a c is m , a n ti- Sem itism and x en o p h o b ia should be an em barrassm ent ~ not all o r any o f this co u ld g et them to ack n o w l­ edge the label "racist." M y b lack co rresp o n d en ts even claim ed that th eir race p rohibited th em from b ein g racists, as if skin c o lo r w as a p ro scrip tio n against ignorance. A nd m any o f m y p re ­ sum ably no n -b lack corresp o ndents accu sed m e o f being a racist, so m y race apparently offered m e no p ro ­ tection from this evil. W hat is the lesson h ere? T hat the label "racist" has becom e so toxic that alm o st ev ery o n e rejects it? T h at the toxicity m akes the label u n acceptable but its actual practice is still tolerable fo r m any? O r that it is a defense against itself? A s the relative-I-try-not-to-claim w ro te, "I don't know any w hite p eople w ho hate blacks like you a d v o c a te b la c k s s h o u ld h a te w hites." O r o n ly that w hile the U n ite d S ta te s h a s m a d e m u ch p rogress in race relations, w e still have a long, long w ay to go? Julian Bond is chairman emeri­ tus o f the NAACP. Unemployment Biggest Crisis in America Jobs needed to rebuild America L ast w eek in C leveland, the N a­ tional U rban L eague lau n ch ed one o f the m ost am bitious econom ic res­ cue m issio n s in o u r history. “Jobs by M arc M orial R ebuild A m erica: E ducate, E m ­ I f y o u ’ve been ploy, Em pow er5 ’ is a $ 100 m illion w atching the new s, p u b lic -p riv a te -n o n p ro fit p a rt­ y o u ’ve p ro b a b ly nership aim ed at putting A m erica n o ticed th e re ’s no b ack to w o rk and targeting c o m ­ shortage o f scan­ m unities w h ere h elp is n eeded dals o r m a n u fa c ­ m ost. tured crises com ing U sing a co m p reh en siv e c o m ­ out o f W ashington m unity d ev elo p m en t approach these days. to the nation ’ s em ploym ent and ed u ­ B u t the b iggest crisis o f all - the cation crises, this in itiativ e brings epidem ic o f double-digit unem plo y ­ to g eth er federal, co rp o rate and n o n ­ m ent and the huge g u lf o f econom ic profit reso u rces to create econom ic disparities that co ntinue to plague opportunity in 50 U.S. cities through m illions o f A m ericans - seem s to be the U rban L eague affiliate netw ork. attracting little attention. T he pro g ram co n sists o f both T h e N ational U rban L eague is c o m m u n ity in v e s t m e n ts a n d shifting the n a tio n ’s focus b ack to g ra ssro o ts le g is la tiv e ad v o ca c y . th e jo b s c ris is, n o t by re c itin g T he cam paign ’ s five-year, $ 100 m il­ gloom y and w ell-w orn statistics, but lion com m unity investm ent co m p o ­ by p u tting a co m p reh en siv e so lu ­ nent includes jo b training for yo u th tion on the table. and m ature w orkers, co lleg e p rep a­ |Jortlanh OOhserber P u blisher : E d it o r : Established 1970 --------------- Mark Washington M ich a el L eig h to n E xecutive D irector : Rakeem Washington C reative D irector : P aul N e u fe ld t O ffice M anager /C lassifieds : A dvertising M anager : ration, a jo b s netw ork, entrepreneur- ship support, sm all bu sin ess financ­ ing and reso u rces, and tax credits. T h e c a m p a ig n ’s g rassroots a d ­ vocacy co m p o n en t w ill focus on federal legislative action in support o f a b alan ced an d responsible fiscal plan as w ell as backing fo r efforts th a t sp u r jo b c re a tio n in h a rd - pressed urban com m unities. T h is includes our long-standing support fo r the passage o f the U r­ ban Jobs A ct, co -sp o n so red by Sen. K irsten G illibrand and C o n g ress­ m an C h ak a F attah , an d fo r the P roject R eady ST E M A ct, spon­ sored by C o n g ressw o m an M arcia F udge. W e stood w ith acting Secretary o f the U .S. D epartm ent o f Labor Seth H arris, C leveland M ayor Frank G. Jackson, C uyahoga C ounty E x­ ecu tiv e E dw ard FitzG erald and U r­ ban L eague o f G reater C leveland P re s id e n t M a rsh a M o c k a b e e to k ic k -o ff the Jobs R ebuild A m erica Lucinda Baldwin Leonard Latin cam paign. A s a d e sig n a te d Jo b s R e b u ild A m erica m arket, the U rban L eague o f G re a te r C le v e la n d re c e iv e d $ 950,000 in com m unity investm ent F o r the Jobs R eb u ild A m erica cam ­ paign, w e have pu t to g eth er an ex­ panded coalition o f public and pri­ vate partners w ho have pledged their expertise and resources. They include the U.S. D epartm ents o f L abor, Justice and T reasury and m ore than 20 m ajo r corporations. A s A m erica faces the low est la­ bor force participation rate in alm ost 35 y ears and u n accep tab ly high urban unem ploym ent, creatin g jo b s and econom ically viable co m m u n i­ ties m ust involve all o f us w orking together, including the governm ent, corporate and n o n-profit sectors. It’s tim e to shift from the debate about the problem o f u n em ploy­ m ent to taking co n crete action to solve it. N ational U rban League af­ f ilia te s a n d o u r J o b s R e b u ild A m erica coalition are p rim ed to do ju s t that. c o m p e titiv e g ra n ts fo r th re e s ig ­ n a tu re N a tio n a l U rb a n L e a g u e p ro g ra m s - the U rb a n Y o u th E m ­ p o w erm en t P rogram , the E n trep re ­ n e u r s h ip C e n te r p ro g r a m a n d P ro je c t R ead y : P o st S e c o n d ary S u c c e ss P ro g ra m . T his funding w ill help the affili­ ate ex pand existing program s and introduce new ones to better serve the needs o f the local com m unity, including the design o f a new 21st C en tu ry w ork fo rce d ev elo p m en t system to reach thousands o f jo b seekers, w hile targeting som e o f the m ost vulnerable unem ployed. Since the start o f the G reat R e­ cessio n , U rban L eague affiliates across the nation have served as Marc Morial is president and econom ic first responders for co m ­ chief executive officer o f the Na­ m unities devastated by jo b loss. tional Urban League. USPS 959-680 --------------------- 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of such ad. © 2008 THE PORT­ LAND OBSERVER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. 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