Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 29, 2013, Page 18, Image 18

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    Page 18
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May 29. 2013
Director of Strategic Commu­
Part-Time Resident Custodian needed for nonprofit affordable
housing organization. $10 an hour for 20hrs a week. The resident
custodian will live onsite, Studio apartment plus utilities included.
This position is on call 24hours/7days a week. Six months to One
year experience in Property Management, Maintenance, Resident
relations, and Customer Service and/or training. Knowledge of Or­
egon landlord/tenant law & fair housing regulations required. Please
submit a cover letter and resume to Debi Christensen, Sr. Portfolio
Manager by email at Debi@pcrihome.org or fax to (503) 288-2891.
Close date: July 31, 2013. This position is open until filled. Review
our website for a full job description at www.pcrihome.org.
Fiscal Manager needed for nonprofit affordable housing organiza­
tion. Bachelor’s degree in Accounting. Minimum five years of profes­
sional accounting experience in all areas to include: general ledger,
budgeting; accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, general
entry preparation and financial reporting. Minimum of five years
experience supervising accounting staff. Proficiency in Microsoft
Office Suite. YARDI Property Management Software experience is
helpful. Please submit a cover letter and resume to Greg Brown,
Deputy Director by email at Greg@pcrihome.org or fax to (503) 288-
2891. Close date: July 31, 2013. This position is open until filled.
Salary based on experience. Review our website for a full job de­
scription at www.pcrihome.org.
Staff Accountant needed for nonprofit affordable housing organi­
zation. Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance, Business Admin­
istration or similar field required. Minimum 3-5 years experience in
Accountant role. Knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Prin­
ciples (GAAP). Knowledge of nonprofit accounting a plus. Proficiency
in Microsoft Office Suite. YARDI Property Management Software ex­
perience is helpful. Please submit a cover letter and resume to Greg
Brown, Deputy Director by email at Greg@pcrihome.org or fax to
(503) 288-2891. Close date: July 31, 2013. This position is open
until filled. Salary based on experience. Review our website for a full
job description at www.Dcrihome.org.
Advertise with diversity in T,u‘ Portland Observer
Call 503-288-0033
Custodian - part-time, Expo Center,
$11.36 - $12.02 hourly, P/T. Dead­
line: 06/10/13.
This opportunity is open to First
Opportunity Target Area (FOTA) resi­
dents - Columbia Blvd on the north;
42nd Ave on the east; the Banfield
Freeway on the south, and North
Chautauqua Blvd on the west,
whose total annual income does
not exceed $25,000 as an indi­
vidual, or $40,000 for an entire
h o u s e h o ld , fo r the p a st 12
To apply: visit our web site at:
www.oregonmetro.gov/iobs for the
complete job announcement and
a link to our online hiring center or
visit our lobby kiosk at Metro, 600
NE Grand Ave, Portland.
AA/EEO Employer
Advertise with diversity
' T< >rdand Observer
Call 503-288-0033
City of Lake Oswego
Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project
Bids Due: 06/20/2013, bv 2:00 PM
Plans and Specifications are available.online at StellarJ.com
1363 Down River Drive • Woodland, WA 98674
Phone: (360) 225-7996 Bid Fax: (360) 225-8007 Email: bids@stellarj.com
CCB# 127903 WA#STELUC045J9
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from
all subcontractors and suppliers including Minority, Women,
Disadvantaged and Emerging Small Business Enterprises
Additional Subcontracting Opportunities Available:
Academic Adviser: Native
American Specialist and
Outreach Coordinator
The University of Oregon, Office of
Equity and Inclusion seeks an Aca­
demic Adviser/Native American
Specialist and Outreach Coordina­
tor in the Center for Multicultural
Academ ic Excellence. This posi­
tion will have primary responsibil­
ity advising Native American stu­
dents on campus; assisting Native
American students with academic
planning, reten tion and post­
graduation planning; serving as a
resource for staff and faculty con­
cerning Native American experi­
ences, learning styles and issues
in Higher Education; outreach to
Native American student groups,
communities, Education directors,
The position will have primary re­
Administrative Specialist IV, Informa­ sponsibility for helping OEI to fa­
tion Services, $44,589 - $59,662 cilitate agreements with commu­
annually, F/T. Deadline: 06/05/13 nity colle ge s to prom ote 2+2
agreements with community col­
Building Service Technician - Metro
leagues and articulation agree­
Regional Center, Parks and Environ­ ments with tribal colleges and mi­
mental Services, $22.40 - $30.00 nority-serving institutions.
hourly, F/T. Deadline: 06/10/13
A bachelor’s degree and experi­
Event Custodian - part-time, Oregon ence in working with Oregon tribes
C o n ve n tio n C enter, $ 1 2 .9 0 - is preferred.
$14.60 hourly. Deadline: 06/05/
For complete job description with
all minimum and preferred quali­
Lead Operating Engineer - Oregon Con­
fications and submission informa­
vention Center, $31.75 - $34.14
tion, please refer to job posting
hourly, F/T. Deadline: 06/07/13
number: 13144
Maintenance Worker I - temporary,
Oregon Zoo, $18.87 hourly, F/T.
Deadline: 06/07/13
Natural Areas Acquisition Analyst,
Sustainability Center, $56,864 -
$76,071 annually, F/T, limited du­
ration. Deadline: 06/07/13
P le a se v is it o u r w e b s ite at:
www.oregonmetro.gov/lobs for the
complete job announcement and
a link to our online hiring center.
AA/EEO Employer
The Office of Equity and Inclusion
seeks a Director of Strategic Com­
munications to lead the develop­
ment and implementation of cam-
pus-wide and community strategic
communications planning for the
Office of Equity and Inclusion, its
affiliate units and the UO strategic
plan for equity and inclusion. The
responsibilities include a high level
of independent decision-making
and discretion. This includes con­
tent creation, media relations, so­
cial media, and website mainte­
Academic Adviser: African
American Specialist and
Outreach Coordinator
The University of Oregon, Office of
Equity and Inclusion seeks an Aca­
demic Adviser/African American
Specialist and Outreach Coordina­
tor in the Center for Multicultural
Success. This position will have
primary responsibility advising Af­
rican American students on cam­
pus; assisting African American
students with academic planning,
retention and post-graduation
planning; serving as a resource for
staff and faculty concerning Afri­
can American experiences, learn­
ing styles and issues in Higher Edu­
cation; outreach to African Ameri­
can student groups, communities,
Education directors, etc.
The position will have primary re­
sponsibility for helping OEI to fa­
cilitate agreements with commu­
nity colle ge s to prom ote 2+2
agreements with community col­
leagues and articulation agree­
ments with tribal colleges and mi­
nority-serving institutions.
A bachelor’s degree and experi­
ence in working with African Ameri­
can students is preferred.
For complete job description with
all minimum and preferred quali­
fications and submission informa­
tion, please refer to job posting
number: 13145
To ensure consideration, please To ensure consideration, please
su b m it a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls su b m it a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls
within two weeks of the posting within two weeks of the posting
5 :0 0 p m ,
d a te
5 :0 0 p m ,
at d a te
inclusionsearch@ uoregon.edu. inclusionsearch@ uoregon.edu.
Position will remain open until Position will remain open until
Minimum qualifications: Masters
degree in the areas of communi­
cations, public relations, market­
ing or information technology com­
bined with related professional
experience. Experience: Three to
five years related work experience
in progressively more responsible
positions. Experience working in a
team-based environment with in­
d iv id u a ls from d iv e rs e b a ck ­
grounds. Preferred qualifications:
Experience working on communi­
cations strategies and projects
that focus specifically on diversity;
especially racial, ethnic, gender
and class diversity. Exposure to
languages other than English. Ex­
perience co m m u n ica tin g with
people from different cultures.
Experience using the Drupal con­
tent management system. Five to
seven years related work experi­
ence in progressively more respon­
sible positions.
For complete job description with
all minimum qualifications and
submission information, please
refer to jo b posting 13113 on
For full consideration, please sub­
mit application materials by 5:00
pm, June 1, 2013, but the posi­
tion will remain open until filled.
The University of Oregon is an equal
opportunity, affirmative action in­
stitution committed to cultural di­
versity and compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act.
Possibility. In every direction?
The Port of Portland is a regional gov­
ernment entity operating airports,
marine terminals and industrial
parks in the greater Portland met­
ropolitan area. Our mission is to
enhance the region’s econom y
and quality of life by providing effi­
cient cargo and air passenger ac­
cess to national and global mar­
To view current job openings and
to apply for open positions visit
th e
P o rt’s
w e b s ite
The University o f Oregon is an The University o f Oregon is an
equal opportunity, affirmative ac­ equal opportunity, affirmative ac­
tion institution committed to cul­ tion institution committed to cul­
tural diversity and compliance with tural diversity and compliance with The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO
the Am ericans with Disabilities the Am ericans with Disabilities employer committed to workforce
diversity and affirmative action.