Fortiani» ©bserucr M ay I, 2013 Page A 19 P o w e rof the Pen c o n t i n u e d f r o n t p a g e A3 the emotions of her enormous losses. “When I first started writing I dedicated my writing to them [her family], because I didn’t even have enough willpower to really want to live” Glass said. But after a few weeks of sharing her stories and listening to others share theirs at the work­ shop, she began to take some comfort in the fact that she was not alone in her struggle. That familial structure Write Around Port­ land offered was something Glass was yearn­ ing for. The 57-year-old Glass then began writ­ ing more stories of family and heritage. “I’m a believer that you can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been,” she said. Her story, “Aunt Lorene’s Birthday” is one of her favorites and was published by Write Around Portland in a collection of works crafted SUNDAY by fellow workshop-goers. It is the tale of her hardworking aunt who seemingly never missed an opportunity to make a friend or make some­ one feel welcomed in her presence. When her aunt passed later that summer Glass took the news hard; she was bom into her arms. To combat the grief, Glass began reaching out to family whom she had long known about but never knew personally. When her lost relatives heard how she had honored her aunt Lorene in her work, they were quick to send her a gift; a book complete with photos and anecdotes of family members long passed. It’s a gift Glass has taken great pride in. Her next dream is to learn how to use a computer so she can discover more about her family history; she hopes this will help her become a better writer. Until then, she has to find a new journal to write in because the pages of the old one have all been filled. MONDAY TUESDAY photo by D onovan M. S mith /T he P ortland O bserver l/Vrzfe Around P ortland graduate Verna Glass finds healing in h e r own words. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 Space Day 5 6 Leo Lionni bom, 1910 C in c o d e M a y o Eiffel Tower opens to the public in 1889 Children's Day In Japan National Teacher Day 1 st Stamp Collection Started 13 Tulip Day 1804Lewis& International Nurses Day Biophllic Design, The Architecture of Life Kite Day 512 Limerick Day N. K illingsworth Li­ 9 10 20 Circus Day The Ringling Brother's Circus opened in 1884. Victoria Day Celebrated in Canada Lindbergh Flight Day in 1927 21 American Red Cross Founded Founded by Clara Barton in 1881. No Socks Day First Newspaper Cartoon In the USA in 1754. Christopher Paul Curtis bom, 1953 Mark Lupica (BDay) 15 Norma Fox Mazer bom, 1931 Frank L. Baum Author of The Wizard o fO z -b o m in 1856. 16 First US Nickel Minted In 1866, called the'Shield Nickel’. 22 Peter Sis bom, 1949 17 © First Kentucky Derbyin 1875 Gary Paulson bom, 1939 27 Memorial Day Golden Gate Bridge Opens in 1937 • Masking Tape Patented in 1930 23 Arnold Lobel bom, 1933 Margaret Wise Brown bom, 1910 Buy-A-Musical Instrument Day Scott O' Dell bom, 1898 Mary Pope Osborne bom, 1949 . 26 Penny Day 28 Jim Thorpe Bom in 1888 11 Twilight Zone Day brary Portland, Or 9 7 2 1 7 19 Blueberry Cheesecake Day National Weather Observers' Day Clean Up Your Room Day Clark Expedition County Library -6 :0 0 p m Constitution Memoria Day in Japan Eleanor Estes bom, 1906 | ¿ j. Multnomah National Sun Day Kentucky Derby takes place today National School Nurse Day Pulitzer Prize Estab­ lished (1917) 12 M o t h e r 's D a y 8 • 7 4 29 John F. Kennedy Bom in 1917 Andrew Clements bom, 1949 24 Mary Had A Little Lamb Published in 1830. First Morse Code Message Sent 30 » Ice Cream Freezer Patented In 1848 by William Young. 31 Jay Williams bom, 1981 World No Tobacco Day 18 Armed Forces Day International Museum Day Visit Your Relatives Day O 25 Martha Alexander bom, 1920 National Missing Children's Day