A p ril 24, 2013 ^Sortlanh ©bseruer Page II Samuel L. Jackson and Leonardo DiCaprio Starin the new film ‘Django Unchained’ from Quentin Tarantino. ‘Django Unchained’ raises the conversation on race ering BY P ARLEEN ORTEGA O pinionated J udge tant. He has altered our collective conscious- Django Unchained was the third best ness about race and American slavery, for film on my 2012 favorites list the better. . slavery as an example, we like to act as (opinionatedjudge.blogspot.com). Writer/ Oppression and wrongdoing do not sim- though it is old news of historical interest. It director Quentm Tarentino used his creative ply resolve themselves; they reverberate for happened a long time ago; it doesn't have gifts and the clout that he wields in the movie generations. Americans know this in theory anything to do with us today. To keep dwell- industry to do something brilliant and impor- but ignore it in practice. To use American ing on it - to quote a certain Supreme Court m J i ih . i I ) \ ki . i I \ O r i h . a A *• justice - just perpetuates outmoded racial entitlements. Although film is a medium with a singu- continued on page 16