Pase4_________________________________ ®*î* ^.1 n rt hut b (Obstruer Aprii 17,2013 Marketing for Jobs The Cascade Campus Job Fair, which attracts more than 1,000 job seekers from around the Portland metro area, makes its annual return on Tuesday, April 30. Job seekers will not only get tools needed for that competitive advan­ tage in the jobs market, but also access to a photography service to help them better market themselves to employers New to this year’s event will be a free headshot photography service for attendees. A professional pho­ tographer will be on hand to take a close-up photo for use in online networking and more. “As more and more of the job- search process moves online, hav­ ing a high-quality photo of yourself can really help your prospects,’’ said Portland Community College Cas­ cade Career Services Director Becky W ashington. An assortment of area employers will be on hand at the 16th annual event, set for 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the Physical Education building on the PCC Cascade Campus, 705 N. Killings worth St. Among the employers repre­ sented at this year’s fair will be AAA Oregon/Idaho, Colonial Life, Job seekers, em ployers an d em ploym ent resource p ro fe s s io n a ls share com m on g ro u n d a t la s t y e a r’s C ascade C am pus Job Fair. The an nua l e ve nt re turn s on Tuesday, A pril 30 . Hoffman Construction Company, Kaiser Permanente, KGW Media G roup, N ew S easons M arket, LORI GOT A JOB AT PCC’S CASCADE JOB FAIR Tuesday, April 30, 2013 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cascade Campus Gym 705 N. Killingsworth St. Portland, OR 97217 • Network with more than 50 local employers • Free admission & parking • Workshops on resume • writing, job searching with social media, starting a business and more! Special thanks to our sponsors: BROOKS STAFFING A Division o i S. Brook» & A siocio tm , Inc. Oregon Live, com Portland Community College OnPoint Community Credit Union, Portland Fire and Rescue, Portland General Electric, Safeway, Self En­ hancement Inc., and Xerox, to name a few. Attendees are encouraged to dress as if they are going to a job interview and to show up early. “It’s no secret that it’s acompeti- tive job market at the moment,” Washington said. “People should try to give themselves every advan­ tage they can. The job fair places job seekers face-to-face with employ- ers from a wide range o f industries in both the public and private sec­ tors where they can learn about available openings, pay scales and benefits, and the amount of educa­ tion needed to obtain a given posi­ tion.” Sponsored by Brooks Staffing and, the job fair will also feature free workshops in Cascade’s Moriarty Arts and Hu­ manities Building. The session include: Rdsume W riting with corporate recruiter NNMffi Kristina Tumey of Crowd Compass (11:30 a.m., room 215), Job Search­ ing with Social Media for Dummies author Joshua Waldman (12:30 p.m., auditorium), Contracts and Copy­ rights: What Makers Need to Know ( 1:30 p.m., room 215), Interviewing tips from Toastmasters (2 p.m., au­ ditorium) and Work for Yourself or W orkfor Someone Else: SmallBusi- nessTips (2:30 p.m., room 215). For more information, call 971- 7 2 2 -5 6 1 3 , o r v isit p c c .e d u / cascadejobfair. ■■■■■■■■■■ o h n m n n m m i Urban League Job Fair Career Connections event recruits for diversity The Urban League o f Portland will host its C areer Connections Job Fair at the Double Tree Hotel, 1000N.E. Multnomah St., on M on­ day, April 22 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The 20th annual event, held in partnership with C lear Channel Media and Entertainment, will fea­ ture em ployers from health care, retail, construction, governm ent, non-profit organizations, and cor­ porate sectors from the Portland m etro area. Em ployers are looking to the Urban League of Portland to help them recruit qualified, skilled, and diverse jo b candidates. New Seasons M arket Staffing M anager M ary Lou Keeran m en­ tioned that New Seasons is look­ ing forw ard to the event this year, "W e had good success at last year's event and have hired sev­ eral great folks." O ther em ployers are hiring for positions from entry-level to pro­ fessional, from management to ex­ ecutive, ranging from construc­ tion and retail to governm ent and corporate opportunities. Job seekers can use this time to connect with a wide array of Port- land-area employers who are ac­ tively seeking qualified candidates. Sponsors include the Oregon Departm ent of Transportation, the P acific N o rth w est C arp en ters Union, Cam bia, and the C ity o f Portland D evelopm ent C om m is­ sion. Em ployer participants in­ clude K aiser Perm anente, E nter­ prise, N ECA -IBEW , the City o f Beaverton, the U nited W ay, US Bank, Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield, and New Seasons M arket. The Urban League of Portland is recognized as one of the leading voices for A frican A m ericans, people of color, and others in the region. In addition to participating in the career fair, jo b seekers can access thousands o f jo b postings from local em ployers through The Urban League's reference library and web site year-round.