Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 03, 2013, Page 4, Image 4

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lTl'1’ ^ lo rtlan h (Dbseriier
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3
of color and women represents 13
percent of the $772 million in total
contract value committed through
February, the transit agency said.
“TriMet’s DBE program demon­
strates that a dedication to the en­
tire community brings real results
that benefit us all,” said Johnell Bell,
director of diversity and transit eq­
uity for TriMet. “We continue to
raise the bar to expand our reach
into com m unities of color and
women-owned firms.”
Since TriMet created its disad­
vantaged business enterprise pro­
gram in 2000, participation has
grown. The MAX Yellow Line that
opened in 2004 reached $36 million
in DBE contracts. The MAX Green
Line project that opened in 2009
reached a record $58 million.
“TriMet and the contractors
have created opportunities for small
firms to compete for contracts that
would otherwise have gone to larger
firms,” said Carreon, “There is a real
commitment to engage DBE firms
and in turn, we create more jobs.”
Excellent Care Funeral Services
April 3, 2013
Sheriff Reverses
Stance on Holds
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3
controversial practice o f holding
undocum ented im m igrants for
deportation, no m atter how small
their alleged crim es.
Staton has indicated that his
office will now hold inm ates for
ICE only for felonies or Class A
m isdem eanors involving violent
The M ultnomah County Board
o f Com m issioners is scheduled to
e n d o rs e th e new p o lic y on
W ednesday.
Since 2010, Staton has faced
mounting pressure from the im m i­
gration rights com m unity, and
more recently from the county
board, to reject the demands of
the im m igration agency.
“W e’re glad the sheriff has re­
sponded to the outcry that was put
in front o f him,” said Francisco
Lopez, executive director of Causa,
Oregon’s statewide Latino immi­
grant rights organization.
Under the Secure Communities
program, started in 2008 and con­
tinued by the Obama administra­
tion, jail officials run fingerprint
check through the FBI to identify
undocumented immigrants as they
are booked into jails.
Many local governments have
been led to believe their coopera­
tion is required. However, several
governments have started reject­
ing it, including California’s Santa
Clara and Los Angeles counties,
New York City, and Cook County,
111., which includes Chicago.
One Stop Funeral center Now
open.... Get the best package in Portland
for burial. Everything you need all in one building.
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An ongoing series of questions and answers about Am ericas natural healing profession.
Part 10. Fatigue: A cure for people sick
and tired of being of being sick and tired.
I seem to be tired a lot lately
Does that mean I need iron?
: The m ost com m on reason
patients come into our office is
because of some type of pain.
many of these people are also suffer­
ing from fatigue. Fatigue that makes
the eyes bum slows down the healing
process and makes you wonder why
you don’t feel as well as you used to.
Obviously, there can be many causes
of fatigue. Diet is certainly one of them.
I f s a subject we’d be happy to discuss
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
with you in detail. Another cause, how­ Patients come back well-rested, t<
ever is often stress. Many of you have ing us they ju st had their best nigh
probably heard of the “Fight Or Flight” sleep in ages. If you think the stri
syndrome. When the body is stressed, it o f everyday life m ight be weari
responds with a combat-ready posture. you down and preventing your bo
In analyzing many such patients’ x-rays, from warding off illnesses, call
we find the head angled forward and the for an appointm ent. Or if there <
back arched in this highly-stressed posi­ any other questions you might ha
tion. After Chiropractic adjustment, this about your health, ju st call us at t
condition is often vastly improved. phone num ber below.
flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon 97212 • Phong; (3 0 3 )2 # 7-5304