A pril 3,2013 sportiani» (Observer IN S ID E This page Sponsored by: The Week Review Page 3 FredMeyer What's on your list today?. S ports page 6 O pinion pages 8-9 C alendar M ETRO page 11 u u n s ir u c u o n or me rort/and-Milwaukie light rail line south o f downtown. Work on the 7.5 mile line has already created 5 ,0 0 0 jo b s and reached a new record for minority and sm all business participa­ tion, according to a new report by TriMet. Maximizing Jobs Light rail sets record for minority participation tNTtPUINMtNI pages 12-15 R eligion C lassifieds F ood ■■ page 20 pages 17-19 Construction o f the Portland- Milwaukie Light Rail project from downtown to Clackamas County has set a record for its minority and small business participation while also creating more than 5,000 jobs, ac­ cording to a new report by TriMet. The transportation agency re­ ported Friday that the project has reached a new record of $ 103 million in disadvantaged business enter­ prise contracts, and created 2,749 direct jobs, including 1,816 on-site construction jobs and 933 profes­ sional and technical jobs. The em­ ployment numbers also add 2,511 indirect and induced jobs. The light rail extension is now 40 percent complete. When finished in 2015, the 7.3 mile line will connect downtown Portland with the South W aterfront, southeast Portland, Milwaukie and north Clackamas County. A first-of-its-kind new bridge will also carry light rail, buses, bikes and pedestrians, and a future Portland S tre e tc a r e x te n sio n o v e r the Willamette River. “W e’re thrilled that the planning and construction of the region’s sixth light rail project is providing job opportunities for local workers and firms,” said TriMet Capital Projects Executive Director Dan Blocher. “This project is making a real difference to our local economy, while we expand and improve our transit system.” The record amount of contracts awarded to firms owned by people continued on page 4 Sheriff Reverses Stance on Holds Multnomah County Sheriff Dan low -level crim es like non-violent Staton has drafted a resolution to m isdem eanors. begin releasing undocum ented The decision to change Immi- im m igrants brought to his jails for gration and Customs Enforcement (IC E ) h o ld s is a re v e rsa l o f S taton’s previous support o f a continued on page 4