March 27. 2013 3:1,1 ^ortlanì» Observer Page 15 AríL,., T hom pson ' s I nsurance Seguro de funeral / Final Expense Insurance plans 503-730-8491 English 503-964-341 1 Español s sus últimos deseos y a i us seres queridos S cott E. T hompson Owner / Agent BUDGET INSURANCE "Your Budget is our Budget" AUTO At Budget we w ork w ith m any HOME insurance co m ­ panies to find LIFE the best fit for yo u r needs and t0 fit your BUSINESS DURAN BEASLEY Budget. HEALTH Call to day for a free quote! 503 515 4377 SR 22 Fax 503 445 4591 O ffice 503 445 4595 3202 S E 8 2 n d Ave Portland, O R 97266 An independent agent serving O regon & W ashington Stacey Hallal stars as Ruby Rocket, a private eye who will solve any case for the right price, usually a couple o f shots o f whiskey and a slow dance. The solo comedy show at Curious Comedy opens Friday, March 29. Ruby Rocket, Private Eye Solo comedy show at Comedy Ruby Rocket, the most intoxicat­ ing - and intoxicated - private de­ tective is setting up shop at Curious Comedy Theater, 5225 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Ruby Rocket, Private Eye, star­ ring Stacey Hallal, runs each Friday and Saturday night at 8 p.m. at Cu­ rious Comedy, March 29 through April 13, plus a bonus show on Friday, April 26. The run also in­ cludes the Curious Comedy Players performing Fit to Print - improvised comedy inspired by local newspa- per articles selected by the audi­ ence. Ruby Rocket is a private eye who will solve any case for the right price ... usually a couple of shots o f w hiskey and a slow dance. Ruby may be her own worst enem y, but in the end, she always gets her man. Except, of course, when she doesn’t. W eaving vivid sto ry tellin g , physical comedy and interactive improvisation, this unpredictable show changes each night but al­ ways packs a punch. Tickets are $ 15 at the door or $ 12 in advance online. For more infor­ mation, visit Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 (503) 284-7838 Truly making a difference in the lives of • Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for nearly 20 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 We are located on the comer ofM LK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. 0 c p ** Parkins .Area c T C l Russell S. H 1 R 0 P R A C r i c ». OT UHAM