Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 20, 2013, Page 18, Image 18

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    March 20. 2013
OR Lottery Classified ad:
Gambling Too Much?
Free, confidential help
is available statewide.
Sub Bids Requested
Eastern Oregon University
Quinn Coliseum Renovation
Bid Date: Friday, March 29,2012 at 2:30 p.m.
Th ere will be a no n-m and atory pre-bid m e etin g 3/2 2 /1 3
a t Hoke Union Building, Room 309, Eastern O regon University,
La Grande, O regon 97850.
Contact Receiving bids: Geoff M illergeoff.mlHer@fortlsconstniction.com
[g F O R T IS
IN C .
1705 SW Taylor Street, Suite 200
Portland OR 97205
Phone: 503-459-4477
Fax: 503-459-4478
OR CCB#155766
City of Portland
Possibility. In every direction."
The Port of Portland is a regional
g o v e r n m e n t e n t it y o p e r a t in g
a irp o rts , m a rin e te rm in a ls and
in d u s tria l p a rk s in th e g re a te r
Portland m etropolitan area. O ur
m ission is to enhance the region’s
e c o n o m y and q u a lity o f life by
p roviding efficien t cargo and air
passenger access to national and
global m arkets.
To view cu rrent jo b open ings and
to ap ply fo r open p ositions visit
th e
P o r t ’s
w e b s ite
w w w .p orto fportlan d.com .
Th e Port o f Portland is an A A /EE O
em ployer com m itted to workforce
d iversity and affirm ative action.
Administrative Assistant - Front
Desk-Constituent Services Specialist
(Commissioner’s Administrative
Support Staff)
Office of Commissioner Amanda Fritz
Approx. Mo. Sal: $3,040
wom en, disadvantaged, and em erging small business enterprises.
Public Schools
FFD: 0 4 / 0 7 / 1 3 5:00 PM
R esponsible for in-person, phone,
and w ritten cu sto m e r se rvice to
c o m m u n ity m e m b e rs a n d C ity
s ta ff,
a ls o
p r o v id e s
a d m in is tra tiv e s u p p o rt to th e
C o m m is s io n e r a n d th e o ffic e
team to ensure tim e ly com pletion
and do cu m e n tatio n o f tasks. For
m ore info and to a p p ly on line go
to w w w ,portlandoregon.gov/iobs/
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Advertise with diversity
Bid d o cu m e n ts are available fo r review at
th e Fortis office and at local plan centers.
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from minority,
Call 1 -8 7 7 -M Y-LIM IT to talk to a
c e rtifie d c o u n s e lo r 2 4 /7 o r log
on to 18 7 7 m ylim it.org to ch at live
with a counselor. W e are not here
to ju d g e . W e are here to help. You
can g e ty o u r life back.
Portland Public Schools is currently
r e c r u it in g f o r th e f o llo w in g
Facilities and Asset M anagem ent-
Project Manager 11-1.0 FTE
le a rn
m o re
t h is
o p p o rtu n ity and a p p ly fo r these
p ositions please visit ou r w ebsite
at http://www.pps.kl2.or.us/
11 k Pc inland Obscrx er
Call 503-288-0033
Infrastructure Group
d e p a rtm e n ts /h r/ 3 3 4 0 .h tm and
com plete the “m anagem ent/non-
rep re sen te d ” application.
S h o u ld you have a n y q u e stio n s
ab o u t th e position o r need help
co m p le tin g th e online application
p le a s e c o n t a c t th e H u m a n
R e so u rce s o ffic e a t (5 0 3 ) 916-
Kiewit Infrastructure W est Co. requests su b con tra ctor q uotes and
material quotes from subcontractors and suppliers fo r the follow ing
project for the O regon D epartm en t o f Transportation:
FFO - 0 R 2 1 2 /2 2 4 : SUNRISE CORRIDOR f l- 2 0 5 - SE122NDAVE) SEC.
Bids Due: March 2 5 ,2 0 1 3 1:00PM
W e are se e k in g qualified
ca n d id a te s to be p art o f ou r
dyn am ic public service
BIDS DUE 4 / 9 / 1 3 AT 2:00 PM
For m ore inform ation interested su bcon tractors
PUBUC OPENING 4 / 9 / 1 3 AT 2:15 PM
and sup pliers should contact:
Portland Public Schools, School District No. U , M ultnom ah County,
se e ks w ritten B ids from q ualified firm s to provide boiler burner
co n ve rsion s. A M a n d a to ry Pre-Bid co n fere n ce w ill be held at 1:00
PM on M arch 20, 2013, in W y ’East C on feren ce Room , Portland
Public S ch ools, 501 N orth Dixon S treet, P ortland, O regon 97227.
Sealed Bids, in an envelope cle arly listing the vendor nam e and Bid
title, will be received by Paul W illiam s, Contract A nalyst at: Bid Desk,
Purchasing & Contracting, Blanchard Education Service Center, 501
N. Dixon St, P ortland OR 97227, not later than 2:00 PM, April 9 ,2 0 1 3 .
Harlan Sangrey
$48,110 - $71,073 per Year
(3 6 0 )6 9 3 -1 4 7 8
$20.16 - $25.76 per Hour
Bids are to be submitted to:
Clark C o u n ty Hum an R esources
1300 Franklin S t-5 th FI,
V a n co u ve r W A
A p p ly O n-line @
w w w .cla rk.w a.gov
Relay: (8 0 0 ) 8 3 3 -6 3 8 8
22 0 0 Columbia House Blvd,
Vancouver, WA 9 86 61
Fax (3 6 0 )6 9 3 -5 5 8 2
The Invitation to Bid d o cu m e n ts m ay be obtained a t the ORPIN
w ebsite, w w w .o rp in .o re gon .go v. Firm s m ust be registered with
O R PIN to obtain and dow nload docum ents; registration is a t no
cost. Contract term s, conditions and Specifications m ay be reviewed
at th e P u rch a sin g & C o n tra ctin g D epartm ent, 5 0 1 N. Dixon Street,
P ortlan d O re gon , 97227. For a d d itio n a l in form ation ab ou t this
project, please co n ta ct the P u rch a sin g C ontact, Paul W illiam s, at
503.916.3316, or em ail at purchasing@ D D s.net.
a c c e p tin g bids fo r th e fo llo w in g s e rv ic e s / s u p p lie s : B rid g e s,
Earthwork, Erosion Control, Surfacing, Electrical, HAZM AT Removal,
D em olition, Drainage, Piping, Sewer, Trucking, C oncrete Flatw ork,
Traffic, Perm anent Signage, Landscaping, Fencing, Barrier, Guardrail,
Striping, Traffic Control, A sph a lt Paving, R etaining W alls, and oth er
m iscellaneous work.
Small Business Com puter Support and Training
Subcontractors and suppliers can access plans and specifications
a t the fo llo w in g w e b address: http://w w w .oregon.gov/O DO T/CS/
LB3 Computing Solutions
o n t get bogged down with
to o much technology! LB3
helps you select the technology
you need and makes it easy
fo r you to use with training and
support tailored just fo r you.
Conveniently located in Portland, Oregon
\Ne make it easy and affordable.
You’ll spend less time at your computer and
more time with your customers.
Call or email us today • info(a)LB3ComputingSolutions.com
503.6 2 1 .6 3 6 8
W e request a proposal from yo u r firm fo r the FFO - O R 212/224:
S U N R IS E C O R R ID O R (1-205 - S E 1 2 2 N D AVE project. W e are
ENGINEER l / l l
Setup and Housekeeping, O re go n
C o n v e n tio n C e n te r , $ 1 5 .1 0 -
$17.01 hourly, F/T. D eadline: 03/
27/1 3 .
Th ese op p o rtu n ities are open to
First Opportunity Target Area (FOTA)
reside nts - C olum b ia Blvd on the
In orde r to encourage participation from sm all b usinesses and I north; 4 2 nd A ve on th e east; the
d is a d v a n ta g e d b u s in e s s e n te rp ris e s (D B E ), a n d to p ro v id e
B an fie ld F re e w a y on th e south ,
assistance to them , w e will divide total req u ire m en ts into sm a ller
and N orth C h a u ta u q u a Blvd on
ta s k s o r q u a n titie s an d e s ta b lis h d e liv e ry an d c o n s tru c tio n
th e w e s t, w h o s e to ta l a n n u a l
sch e d u le s w hich will perm it m axim um participation by sm all and
incom e does not exceed $ 25,000
d isad vantaged firm s w here feasible.
as an individual, or $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r
an entire household, fo r th e past
All su bcon tractors and m aterial sup pliers are required to execute
12 m onths.
ou r stan d ard “S ub con tract A g re e m e n t”/ “M aterial C o n tra c t”. W e
require 100% Perform ance and Paym ent, o r S upply Bonds. W e will
To a p p ly: v is it o u r w e b s ite at:
provide assistance in obtaining bonding, lines o f credit, or insurance
www.oregonm etro.gov/iobs for the
in order to m eet ou r req uirem ents to interested DBE firm s. If you
com plete jo b an n o u n ce m e n t and
have questions regarding these contract agreem ents, please contact
a link to ou r online hiring center or
us for a copy.
visit o u r lobby kiosk a t M etro, 600
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer
NE G rand A ve, P ortland.
AA/EEO Employer