March 20, 2013 ®l'e sp o rtia n i) (©baertier A rts ' X IMII IMSHIM A Voice Page 15 Happy Birthday Supervisor Betty J. Green We love you; your husband, Pastor Paul Sr.; Sons, David Sr., Paul Jr., Markus Sr., Eric Sr., Chris Sr.; and family. JL hom psons I nsura ___ Seguro de funeral / Final Expense Insurance plans for Cultural Pride Spoken-word artist Kelly Zin-Yie Tsai will perform at Washington State University Vancouver's M ar­ quee Diversity event at 7 p.m. March 27 in the Dengerink Administration building,room llO . Tsai is a Chicago-born, Brook­ lyn-based, C hinese-T aiw anese- American poet who uses spoken- word performances to fight for cul­ tural pride and survival. She has become one of the country's lead­ ing innovators of spoken-word po­ etry. Bola Majekobaje, assistant di­ rector of Student Diversity for the university, believes her performance will resonate with the community, particularly students who are pas­ sionate about spoken word, writ­ ing, poetry and art. "Tsai's diverse artistic and com­ munity work covers everything from empowerment of underrepresented people to women's issues, youth activism, Asian-American empow­ erment and more, " said Majekobaje. "Through her stories and poetry, the audience will have a chance to 'explore diversity,' which is a stu­ dent learning outcome for the Stu­ dent Diversity office." S cott E. T hompson O w n e r / A g ent th o m p s a n sin su ra n ce @ b e in su re d .o rg — BUDGET INSURANCE "Your Budget is our Budget" At Budget we AUTO work with many insurance com­ HOME panies to find the best fit for LIFE your needs and t0 flt v° ur DURAN BEASLEY BUSINESS Budget. HEALTH Call today for a free quote! 503 515 4377 Poet Kelly Zin-Yie Tsai uses spoken-word performances to fight for cultural pride and survival. She performs at Washington State University-Vancouver’s Marquee Diversity event on Wednesday, March 27. Tsai’s performance is free and open to registered guests on a first- come, first-served basis. To regis­ ter, visit SR 22 Fax 503 445 4591 Office 503 445 4595 3202 SE 82nd Ave Portland, OR 97266 An independent agent serving Oregon & Washington Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Z c h o n R . Jo n e s, D C 3 33 N E R u sse ll St., # 2 0 0 , P o rtla n d , O R . 9 7 2 1 2 (503) 284-7838 Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for nearly 20 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 com er ofM L K and Russe Street, on the second floo above the coffee shop. M 5* Parkina .Area WNE Russell #200 After several weeks o f consideration, the Oregon Zoo has settled on a name for its new baby river otter. The pup will be called Molalla, or Mo for short, named after the Oregon river. Russell St $ F * E M M UU < 0. c n i R 0 r R A C T 1 C & Œ UHAlJ