Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 13, 2013, Page 2, Image 2

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Teen Receives Medal of Honor
His extreme
bravery saved
life of neighbor
The accolades keep coming for a
Troutdale teenager who saved a
young boy, his neighbor, from the
second story of a burning home.
M a rc o s U g a rte , 15, w as
awarded the Congressional Medal
o f Honor, the United States of
A m erica's highest honor awarded
for personal acts of valor above
and beyond the call of duty.
Ugarte was one o f four citizen
heroes nam ed this year and the
first m inor ever to ever receive the
award. He is recognized for a
saving a life in a single instance of
extrem e bravery.
The young man was also featured
in Reader’s Digest, which selected
him for its “Eveiyday Heroes” series
that profile people and their extraor­
dinary deeds across the country.
Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Marco Ugarte o f Troutdale
Last September, Ugarte and his
father, Eduardo Ugarte, rushed to flames forced Eduardo back down
When firefighters arrived min­
help neighbors yelling for help a few em pty-handed; M arcos U garte utes later, black fumes billowed from
houses down. After he was told the grabbed a ladder and scurried up. the back of the house as flames
fam ily’s son, eight-year-old Cody Punching out a screen window, he engulfed the second floor. While
Ma, was trapped on the second coaxed the terrified young boy out. Cody was taken to a hospital, where
floor of their burning home, Eduardo With his father holding the ladder, he was treated for smoke inhalation
Ugarte charged up the stairs.
Marcos scooped the boy with one and release, no one else was injured.
But when thick, black smoke and arm and lowered him to safety.
However, the fam ily’s house was
(center) in a family photo.
left uninhabitable.
The fourth recipient of the award,
The other two recipients o f the Joe Carroll, developed and ran a
Citizen Service Before Self award homeless support center in San Di­
were Jesse Shaffer III and his father, ego that is considered a model across
Jesse Shaffer IV. During Hurricane the country.
Isaac, the two used their boat to
The honorees will receive the
rescue 120 people from their flood- awards on March 25, Medal of
ravaged town after official rescues Honor Day, at Arlington National
were called off.
Cemetery in Virginia.
TIWeek ¡n
The Revi ew
Bum Accident to
Increase Safety Measures
After a fire burned an 11-year-old
cancer patient, OHSU announced
Monday that it will adopt new fire
safety measures in its hospitals and
clinics. Fire marshals said a combi­
nation of olive oil, static electricity
and hand sanitizer caused the girl’s
cotton shirt to catch fire, leaving her
with third-degree bums.
Carol Marquez, M.D.
Radiation Oncologist
OHSU - Diverse in People and Ideas
Oregon Health & Science University values a diverse and culturally
competent workforce. Diversity maximizes our true potential for creativity,
innovation, quality patient care, educational excellence and outstanding
service. Individuals with diverse backgrounds and those who promote
diversity and a culture of inclusion are encouraged to apply.
The knowledge of all for the care of one
Please explore our career opportunities at www.ohsujobs.com
IVe ate proud to be an equal opportunity, affirmative action orqani/ation.
1-5 Bridge Bill Adopted
G ov. John K itzh ab er T uesday
signedabill authorizing $450million
in bonds to pay for the Oregon’s
share o f a new 1-5 bridge connecting
Portland and Vancouver over the
Columbia River. The money will only
be spent if Washington state comes
up with its own $450 million share,
the federal government puts up more
than $1 billion, and the U.S. Coast
Guard issues a permit.
Bus Driver Assaulted
Christopher Charles Jones, 19, was
charged with assault
Sunday for punch­
ing a TriM et bus
driver in the face as
he got off a bus with
---- a n o th e r m an at
Jantzen Beach. The bus driver told
police that he initially declined the
two men entry to the bus because
they had a dog with them, but re­
lented after they claimed it was ser­
vice animal.
Mother and Son Killed
A 55-year-old man and his 90-year-
old mother were killed instantly Sat­
urday when a man believed to be
drunk and speeding drove his
Escalade SUV through a stop sign
at S o u th e a st 2 8 th P la ce and
Gladstone Street, hitting the vic­
tim s’ Toyota Corolla. Police said the
driver, Daniel Troy Johnson, 29, and
two unidentified passengers ran
from the crash scene. Johnson was
later arrested a few blocks away.
No Pope on First Ballot
Tuesday night in Vatican City, black
smoke billowing from the chimney
o f the Sistine Chapel indicated that
115 Roman Catholic cardinals gath­
ered to elect a new pope had not
chosen one in the first ballot of their
NASA: Mars Dust Reveals
Ingredients for Life
N A SA sc ie n tists
haven’t discovered
life on Mars yet, but
a rover sent to the
planet last month did
make a startling discovery: Condi­
tions that could have supported life
once existed there. The discovery is
based on the chemical analysis of
powder that the rover recovered by
drilling a hole in a rock on Mars.