Page 8 11,1 ^lortlanh (©bscrucr March 6. 2013 C o 7 p ^ r ^ r t » Pr ^ nden/ fo r^ of^ anConstruf t/on' welcomes students from Port/andCommunity C o / / e g e ' i S s ^ Z S d a s i t o f h ^ S d S = College Cascade Campus where two buildings and an underground parking garage is be constructed along North Albina Avenue. Construction also a Learning Zone Cascade campus expansion includes students Construction workers at Portland C om m unity C o lleg e’s Cascade Campus are rolling out the red car­ pet for a pre-apprenticeship class. On a recent cloudy winter morn­ ing, Jacob McKay, the Cascade su­ perintendent for Hoffman Construc­ tion, and Derrick Beneville, project manager for Hoffman, welcomed the Trades Preparation class of 25 stu­ dents onto the north Portland job site to get a tour of the work. The tour helps show * students what kinds of jobs are on a construction site and, hopefully, inspire them to pick a career. “It’s fantastic,” M cKay said. “I’ve worked on probably five to six campuses now. It’s always been a priority when you’re at a university or a college campus to bring people Upholstery Cleaning • Sofa/Loveseat • Pet Stains • Flood Restorations CMPFT CLEANING £ STUMER 5 0 3 -7 0 5 -2 5 8 7 |2 Rooms + Hall I . Extra ’rooms $10 | each with ^coupon. $7995 J I Complete House I I Up to ?99 I lOOOsq feet with coupon. “I 95 I 1 With Free Deodorizer | I 10 Years o f References Available Licensed • Bonded • Insured Carpet Cleaning Spot/Stain Removal • 24 Hour Flood Service Upholstery Cleaning • Area Rug Cleaning Dry Time 2-4 Hours • Free Estimates • Available Weekends in and help facilitate the learning process. These people we talked to today are looking to get involved in working on our job sites and we really need that. So, as a company, and personally, we want to support any kind of knowledge passing that we can and we appreciate the op­ portunity to do so.” McKay and Beneville guided the students around the job site, which takes up one city block between North Mississippi and North Albina avenues. Part of the $40 million bond capital construction at Cascade, the work will produce a three-story aca­ demic building and adjacent stu­ dent center on top of a single-level underground parking structure. The whole area has been exca­ vated and at the time of the tour crews were readying to pour sup­ port concrete slabs. As they walked around the edge of the site, stu­ dents had a bird’s eye view of all the workers. Hawaii native Paul Pagatpatan has been in the course for more than three weeks. He’s using it to see what’s out there and keep his options open for what he wants to do. While on the tour, he zeroed in on the surveyor and crane operator jobs. “Once you see it up close you get a better idea of what it is you are about to go out and do in the world,” Pagatpatan said. “I saw how all these little pieces go together to form the big picture. There was a lot of infor­ mation that was given out there. It’s definitely more interesting than it is in the classroom because you get to see how it all fits.” T h at’s exactly what K atrina Cloud, PCC’s apprenticeship and trades specialist, wants her students to do. She is in charge of the field trips that the pre-apprenticeship students take to job sites around the metro area. “We can use the construction site in our backyard as a learning tool and classroom environment for them,” said Cloud, who regularly partners with Hoffman to have classes visit their construction sites all over Portland. “Every single day there is a different environment for them; something different we can show them. It’s a fabulous opportu­ nity for Hoffman to be supporting the school like that.”