March 6, 2013 Il’e Ja rlia n i» (©baerüer This page Sponsored by: IN S ID E Page 3 FredMeyer What's on your list today?. L a w &< J ustice pages 6-7 E ducation ^ C areers page 8 F o o d photo by A ntonio H arris Actress Robin Givens and Portland restaurant manager Frank Taylor (far right) welcome guests at the second annual ‘Salute to African American Leaders in Portland’ ceremony. Pictured from left, are Tony Hopson Sr., the founder and CEO of Self Enhancement, Inc. who was honored for education; and Mark Washington and Rakeem Washington, who accepted a journalism award for the late Chuck Washington, the Portland Observer publisher who died in December. R eligion page 10 Chuck Washington Honored Late publisher among group honored for making a difference METRO page 11 Former publisher of the Portland Observer Chuck Washington, who passed away last December at just 60 years old, was one of 12 African Americans honored at the second annual “Salute to African American Leaders in Portland,” community awards ceremony. Washington led the newspaper from 1996, show­ casing the struggles and triumphs of culturally diverse families and communities in Portland. Actress Robin Givens and KGW television anchor Brenda Braxton co-hosted the Feb. 25 event at the downtown restaurant Portland Prime. Students from the Self Enhancement, Inc. choir and jazz legend Mel Brown performed. Each of the honorees achieved in a different area of life, from business, law and religion to education, sports and entertainment. The other awards went to: Business: Howard W hite, the form er basketball player who became NIK E vice president for the continued on page 5 Campaign to End Racial Profiling fNIEETAINMENI pages 12-15 O pinion pages 16-17 Proposed law focuses on police accountability C ari H achmann T he P ortland O bserver by C lassifieds page 18 C alendar page 20 In a grassroots effort, the Center for Intercultural Organizing has kicked off a campaign to end racial profiling and improve police ac­ countability in Oregon. The diverse membership organi- Emanuel Price zation, whose mission is to protect and expand immigrant and refugee rights through community educa­ tion, organizing and advocacy, held a m eetin g at th e ir N orth Killingsworth Street office last week to raise awareness on the issue. People from the community who have been wrongfully profiled or stereotyped by the police were in­ vited to come and share their story. “You don’t have to be a minority or of different ethnicity to be pro­ filed,” said Emanuel Price, racial jus- continued on page 5