Page 18 î1’' llo rtlan b (©baeruer ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Carlton Court Exterior Rehabilitation JOB NO. #RFB 02/13-199 L egal N otices Bids Due: March 25.20131:00PM For m ore in form ation interested su b con tra ctors and su p p lie rs should contact: N e e d to p u b lis h a c o u r t d o cu m e n t o r notice? N eed an a ffid a vit o f p ublication q uickly an d e fficien tly? Please fa x or e- m ail yo u r notice fo r a fre e price quote! Bid D ocum ents will be ava ilab le the m orning o f M arch 4, 2013 at AR C, 1431 NW 17th Avenue, P ortland, OR. 97209, phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 7-3424, w w w .e . Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: A jgawdatory pre-bid tour o f th e p roject will co m m en ce at Carlton The Portland O bserver Harlan Sangrey (360)693-1478 Bids are to be submitted to: KIEWIT INFRASTRUCTURE WEST CO. 2200 Columbia House Blvd. Vancouver, WA 98661 Fax (360)693-5582 W e req u e st a proposal from yo u r firm fo r the FFO - 0 R 2 1 2 /2 2 4 : S U N R IS E C O R R ID O R (1-205 - S E 1 2 2 N D A VE project. W e are C o u rt A p a rtm e n ts a t 10:00 am, Tuesday, March 12.2013. Q u estion s p osed d u rin g the tour, n o t a d d resse d in the docum ents, will be an sw ered by addendum . a c c e p tin g bids fo r th e fo llo w in g s e rv ic e s / s u p p lie s : B rid g e s, Earthwork, Erosion Control, S urfacing, Electrical, HAZM AT Removal,’ H om e Forward has an aspirational goal o f 2 0% o f D B E/M B E/W B E/ ESB p articipation in th e execu tion o f this project. Th erefore, non- D /M /W /E S B prim e co n tra cto rs will be required to su b m it p roo f sh o w in g th a t good faith efforts have been m ade to contract with D/ M /W /ES B subcontractors. regarding this project should be directed to Berit Stevenson at 503- 8 0 2 -8 5 4 1 o r berit.ste ven so n @ h om e forw a rd .org H O M E F0 W AR D © P O R T O F PO R TLA N D P o ssib ility. In e v e ry direction.'“ CAREER OPPORTUNITIES The Port of Portland is a regional governm ent entity operating airports, m a rin e te rm in a ls an d in d u stria l p arks in th e g re a te r P ortlan d m etropolitan area. O u r m ission is to enhance the region’s econom y an d q u a lity o f life by p ro vid in g e fficie n t ca rgo and a ir p assen ger a cce ss to national and global m arkets. To view cu rrent jo b o p e n in gs and to a p p ly fo r open p ositions visit th e P o rt’s w e b site at w w w .p orto fD ortla n d .co m . D em olition, D rainage, Piping, Sewer, Trucking, C o ncrete Flatw ork, Traffic, Perm anent Signage, Landscaping, Fencing, Barner, Guardrail, Striping, Traffic Control, A sp h a lt Paving, R etaining W alls, and oth er m iscellaneous w ork. Love’sTravel Stops & Country Stores Is hiring in Troutdale, OR for the following: Tire / Maintenance Techs and Janitorial Staff • D river license required • B ackground ch e ck required • Training provided • Up to $10.00/hr. DOE • Flexible sh ifts available Benefits • Health Insurance • Dental Insurance • Vacation pay • B onuses • 4 0 1 (k) S a vin gs Plan Please apply a t D r iv e r s : Home Nightly! Portland OR Lottery Classified ad: TriMet Moving Together Project Bid Package: Mod #3 CENTER STREET REMODEL & PARKING LOTS* Gambling Too Much? Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503, 221-8888 805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises Other Subcontracting Opportunity« • Internet In o rd e r to en co u ra ge p articipation fro m sm all b usinesses and d is a d v a n ta g e d b u s in e s s e n te rp ris e s (D B E ), a n d to p ro v id e a ssista n ce to them , w e will divid e total req u ire m e n ts into sm a lle r ta s k s o r q u a n titie s a n d e s ta b lis h d e liv e ry a n d c o n s tru c tio n sch e d u le s w hich w ill p erm it m axim um participation by sm all and d isa d va n ta ged firm s w h ere fea sib le . All su b co n tra cto rs and m aterial su p p lie rs are required to e xecute w w w .lo ve m /jo bs SUB BIDS REQUESTED Bid Documents - w w w .h offm a nco rp .co m /subco ntractors CONSTRUCTlON/pages/ebids.aspx We a re a n E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo ye r Th e Port of Portland is an AA /E E O em ployer com m itted to workforce d ive rsity and affirm a tive action. Pre-Bid Meeting: March 7,2013 at 10:00 a.m. Bids Due: March 19,2013 at 2:00 p.m. S u b con tractors and sup plie rs can access plans and specifications a t th e fo llo w in g w e b a d d ress: ou r sta n d a rd “S u b co n tra ct A g re e m e n t”/ “ M ateria I C o n tra c t”. W e require 100% Perform ance and Paym ent, o r S u p p ly Bonds. W e will provide assistance in obtaining bonding, lines o f credit, or insurance in o rd e r to m eet o u r re q u ire m en ts to in terested D B E firm s. If you have questions regarding these contract agreem ents, please contact us for a copy. Reefer Runs. CD L-A l y r Exp. Req. G re a t Pay, B e n e fits ! E s te n s o n Logistics. Apply: w w w 1 -8 6 6 -3 3 6 -9 6 4 2 * Bid items for Mechanical and Electrical work are subject to “Best Value’1 evaluation and Parking Lot work Is restricted to DBE contractors) Infrastructure Group EFIL-QR212/224: SUNRISE CORRIDOR (1-205-SE122NDAVE) SEC. Carlton C o urt A pa rtm en ts is an existin g 2 4 -unit a p a rtm e n t building built in 1974. The p roject is to rem ove and replace all th e e xterior siding, trim and w in d o w s usin g rainscreen d e ta ilin g on all nine b u ild in g s . C a rlto n C o u rt A p a rtm e n ts is lo c a te d a t 5 2 4 9 NE K illingsw orth Street, Portland, O R 97218. H o m e Forw ard m a y re je ct a n y bid n o t in co m p lia n ce w ith th e p rescrib e d bidding p ro ce d u re s and req uire m ents and m ay reject a n y o r all bids and w aive all in form alitie s if, in the ju d g m e n t o f H om e Forw ard, it is in th e p ublic in terest to do so. Q u estion s Kiewit K iew it Infrastructure W e st Co. requests su b co n tra cto r q u otes and m aterial quotes from subcontractors and suppliers fo r the follow ing project fo r the O regon D e p a rtm e n t o f Tra nsportation: Sealed bids will be received a t H om e Forw ard, 135 S W Ash Street, Portland, O regon 97204, 5th flo o r P urch asing D epartm en t, until 2:00 pm, Thursday, April 4, 2012- Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and p ublicly read. The First Tier Subcontractor Ust, HAP-421, must be received by 4:00 p.m. the same day. No bidd er m ay w ith d raw th e ir bid a fter the hour set fo r o p en in g until after the lapse o f sixty (60) days from the bid opening. T h is p ro je ct is su b je ct to D a vis-B a con pre vailin g w age decision. March 6. 2013 Free, confidential help is available statewide. Call 1 -8 7 7 -M Y-LIM IT to ta lk to a c e rtifie d c o u n s e lo r 2 4/7 o r log onto 1 8 7 7 m ylim to ch a t live with a counselor. W e are not here to ju d g e . W e are here to help. You can ge t yo u r life back. I 503-288-0033 I I O U D S C llD c ! Fill Out & Send To: I (Dbsrruer I I Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 I $45.00 for 3 months • $80.00 for 6 mo. • $ 125.00 for 1 year I (please include check with this subscription form) I I N ame : _________ I T elephone : I I A ddress : _ I I or email S h lh c rrih p f To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: