Page 16 î,!e ^tortlanh (©beerrier March 6. 2013 New Prices Effective May 1,2010 Martin Cleaning Service HCWDy. áüS T PASSINO- “ THROUGH/ EXIT Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service C H G $45.00 A sm all distance/travel charge m ay be applied CARPET CLEANING 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: 1 sm all H allw ay) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area (Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs - With Other Services): $25.00 D eclaring V ictory in A fghanistan Area/Oriental Rugs: $25.00Minimum Area/Oriental Rugs (Wool): $40.00Minimum / i .y time by K halil B endib to get the heck out o f that graveyard of empires Heavily Soiled Area: A dditional $ 1 0 .0 0 each area (Requiring Extensive Pre-Spraying) UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa: $69.00 Loveseat: $49.00 Sectional: $109-$139 Chair or Recliner: $25 - $49 Throw Pillows (With ith • Other Services)'. $5.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES A rea & O riental R ug C leaning A uto/B oat/R V C leaning D eo d o rizin g & P et -x O d o r T reatm ent Spot & Stain R em oval S ervice S co tchguard P rotection M in or W ater D am age S erv ices SEE CURRENT FLYER FOR ADDITIONAL PRICES & SERVICES Call for Appointment (503) 281-3949 Too Many Suffering from Dental Decay Water fluoridation will improve community health U A vel G ordly and T ricia T illman As lifelong Portlanders w e are deeply com m itted to the health andw ellbeingofourbelovedcom - m unity and the people o f Portland. There are small things that w e can do each day to take better care o f ourselves. W e can go for a walk, w e can m ake healthier choices about w hat we eat, and we can brush our teeth tw o tim es or m ore each day. U nfortunately, to o th b ru sh es a n d to o th p a s te a lo n e a r e n ’t enough. W e ’re in the m idst o f a dental health crisis in Portland, T oo m any people are suffering from painful dental decay, w hich disproportionately affects fam i- by cem s, whatsoever. F lu o rid e is a m in e ra l tha lies that are already struggling and organization recom m ends w ater strengthens tooth enam el making reg ular visits to a fluoridation, including the Centers it resistant to decay. A vote fo ^lentist. for D isease C ontrol and Preven- w ater fluoridation will provide < O ne in five children sitting in tion, the A m erican D ental A sso- basic level o f protection fo r ev Portland classroom s suffer from ciation, the A m erican A cadem y eryone and save us all m oney or untreated decay. For those with- ofPediatrics, and the W orld Health dental services. out the resources to get dental Organization. W ater fluoridation is the single services, this can m ean living day Additionally, lO O B lackM enof m ost im portant act we can do tc after day with a painful infection. A m erica and recently the N a- decrease health disparities in oui Studies have show n that dental tional B lack C aucus o f State Leg- disease im pacts how well stu- islators w ent public with their sup- c o m m u n ity . A s tw o life lo n g Portlanders, deeply com m itted to dents do in school. port. health and our com m unity, we K ids in Portland suffer from 4 0 The caucus found that com - stand with all the local and national percent m ore decay than children m unity w ater fluoridation is a safe, health and social justice organiza­ in Seattle, w hich has fluoridated cost-effective public health inter- tions and pledge our support for water. W e w ant to change that vention proven to prevent tooth this im portant health equity m ea­ because eveiy child deserves a decay and reduce oral health dis- sure. chance to be healthy and thrive, parities. T he group urges state P lease jo in us and vote Y ES W ater fluoridation is one o f the and local governm ents to im ple- on M easu re 26-151 on M ay 21. m ost im portant health equity is- m ent and m aintain optim al levels Avel Gordly is a former state sues facing our com m unity today, ofwaterfluoridation in public water senator and sponsor o f legis­ In Portland, fluoridation is being supplies, supported by virtually all organi- The science is clear. Fluori- lation fo r environmental ju s­ zations that advocate for social dated w ater is effective in dra- tice, multicultural health, and justice, health, and children’s is- m atically decreasing decay and equity. Tricia Tillman is a pub­ sues. there are no associated health lic health professional, com­ N ationally, every tm sted health issues, nor environm ental con- munity organizer, and envi­ Can t ronmental justice advocate.