Page 14 îl!V ^Jttrflanb (©bseruer M a rch 6, 2013 Showdogs [NIER Share Your Family’s History Showdogs is a full service salon. We do baths, all over hair cuts, tooth brushing , nail trims, soft claws, flea treatments, mud baths, and ear cleaning. We also have health care and grooming products to keep your pet clean in between visits. Show Dogs Grooming Salon & Boutique 926 N. Lombard Portland, OR 97217 503-283-1177 Tdesday-Saturday 9am-7pm Monday 10am-4pm Yo dawg is gonna look like a show dawg and your kitty will be pretty. T he O regon H istorical Society is tem o o n tea and intim ate, recorded looking to preserve the histories o f conversation about the experiences A frican A m ericans in the state. o f A frican A m ericans in the Pacific V a n c o u v e r A v e n u e B a p tis t N orthw est during the m id tw entieth C h u r c h a u th o r a n d h is to r ia n century. R aym ond B urrell III and historical Y o u ’re invited to share y o u r p er­ society staff w ill host a private, af- sonal m em ories o f friends, fam ily, Marimba Player Fronts Concert « All Around Town Inc “Where all your transportation needs are met. Let Us Transport You: Grocery Shopping Field Trips Youth Outings Visit an incarcerated loved one Other transportation needs F IA T FEE Transportation Services (503) 267-0840 allaroundto wninc @ P/ l / s Cheung, a master craftsman on his unusual marimba instru­ ment, joins the Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra with guest conductor Andrew Sewell on Friday, March 15 at 7:30 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 1838 S.W. Jefferson St. Tickets at or 503- 234-4077. and com m unity on Saturday, M arch 30, from 2 p.m . to 4 p.m . in the M adi­ son R oom o f the O regon H istorical Society, 1200 S.W . P ark A ve. R S V P to E liza C an ty -Jo n es by callin g 503-306-5236 or em ailing eliza.can ty -jo n es@ o h s.o rg .