11,1 ^ o rtía n h (Oh ser ber M arch 6, 2013 Page 13 Arts x X ISIIIHISHIM ‘Throne Bird, ' kinetic sculpture by Thomas Hughes. ‘Saint, ’ a mixed media painting by Dr. Bob Pliny. Show at Guardino Gallery T he w orks o f three artists take center stage this m o n th at G u ard in o G allery , 2939 N .E . A lb erta St. In the M ain G allery, you can see how T h o m as H u g h es uses w ood, m etal, cam s, g ears an d p u lley s to create a w orld o f am azing folk-inspired kinetic NE ALBERTA S treet art. A lso on d isp lay are w orks by D r. B ob Pliny, w ho creates colorful, m ixed m edia paintings, w hich areat once whim­ sical and thought provoking. In the G uardino feature area are works by D ayna Collins, a painter w orking in layers withplaster, paint, texture and wax. A NEW CHRISTIAN SCHOOL IS OPENING! Chevron OPEN HOUSE: March 6 and March 21,7-8:30 PM At the University Park Baptist Church facility 4340 N. Lombard St. Portland 97203 ■ O \ j I 11 | px ¿00 oV JJ DISCOVERY MUSEUM 0 Fill Out & Send io. U U o C l IU C i Happy Birthday Claire Jenkins Washington. From y oar Family and Friends. Look who's living in the trees! Sponsored in part by AM 1640' www.emmanuel christianacademypdx.org to our outstanding, devoted and loving mother, grand­ mother and great grandmother Mrs. Lucille Bryant. We have truly been blessed. Also Happy 61st Birthday to our sister Dorothey Brayant. TreeHouses Emmanuel Christian Academy Building tomorrow’s leaders for low-income, at-risk, 3rd grade boys living in the 97203 or 97217 zip codes Happy 90th Birthday flortlanh (Observer • ArTn' iuDscnpuons, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 NOW O PEN ! WORLD FORESTRY CENTER $45.00 for 3 months • $80.00 for 6 mo. • $ 125.00 for 1 year WORLDFORESTRY.ORG (please include check with form ) N ame : -------- —------------------------------------------------------------------ T elephone : A ddress : ______________________________________________________ __________ __________________ __ I or email subscriptions© portlandobserver.com I