March 6, 2013 _a'l,e ^ o rtla n h (©bseruer Page II Alberta North Portland i e ^ r S a entl° n. ? tW° neW UnitS ° n the Site PUtS ° ne ° fth e oldest homes in the Boise Neighborhood o f north ro m a n a on trie path to demolition. The 1 8 9 0 Edwin Rayworth house is located at 3605. N. Albina Ave. Historic home in path of higher density L ee P erlman T he P ortland O bserver by The good news is that so m any people have said want to save this house. The bad news is that it may n do m uch good. Those are the words o f Caroline Dao, Boise Neighbo hood A ssociation chair, on the fate o f the historic Edw Rayworth house at 3605 N. Albina Ave. H ousing developer Andre Koshuba plans to tear dou N eighborhood activists and preservationists are scram ­ bling to see if the old house can be saved. One o f the first to raise the wrecking ball alarm was Roy Roos, author o f several history books about A lbina and continued on page 19