Page 8 the Portland Observer Black History Month February 27, 2013 Enduring Courage c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 4 Vancouver Avenue’s Rev. J. W. Matt Hennessee led the cel­ ebration in Vancouver for Ida Jones’s 100th birthday in 2008. The church helped her celebrate again last summer in Portland when she turned 104. Mrs. Bertha (David) Baugh also built Portland connections early. A schoolteacher in Alabama be­ fore she and her husband came to Vancouver in September 1945, she was told by school officials that Vancouver “wasn’t ready for colored teachers.” She started teaching in the massive north Portland housing project called Vanport. After Vanport went down in the flood of May 1948, Bertha Baugh became one o f the first black teachers hired by Port­ Bertha Baugh broke racial barriers as a long-time teacher. land Public Schools. She and her husband made their home in by phone, taking turns calling roots, as the First Families book Vancouver, but she spent 26 every few weeks. show, the connections between years teach in g in P o rtland, T h ro u g h th e ir c h u rc h , them have by now become a mostly at George Elementary school, service and family as­ wonderfully tangled root mass - School. In 1972 she was named sociations, they are known to a supreme challenge for histori­ an O u tstan d in g E lem en tary hundreds of people in Portland ans, a playground for genealo­ Teacher of America. as well as Vancouver. Ties like gists, and a source of wonder for Baugh and Jones worked to­ these have continued to develop the rest of us. g e th e r w ith m any m ore alo n g w ith the sto rie s o f Jane Elder Wulff o f Vancouver Vancouver citizens, black and Vancouver and Portland’s dis­ is the author o f First Families of white, on NAACP causes and tinct African American com ­ Vancouver’s African American events through the 1950s. The munities. Community, From WorldWarTwo two friends still keep in touch If each settlement has deep to the Twenty-First Century. • J j •• ' * L - . * J J < i J J of Vancouver's African .American Community His Legacy Will Live On Charles H. Washington P ublisher and E ditor - in -C hief of the P ortland O bserver Dec. 18 1951 -Dec. 8 2012 From World w a r TWo io tfw T w en ty+’(rsi cen tu ry tty tone Elder Wuift First Families Support NAACP The book First Families of Vancouver’s African American Families is currently available for $20 with 100 percent of the proceeds benefiting Vancouver NAACP Branch #1139. The civil rights organization is a historic treasure, first char­ tered by Vancouver’s earlist black residents in 1945 to ad­ dress post-World War II hous­ ing and job discrimination. The group continues to promote social justice, housing and job opportunités. To order copies, you can contact Jane Elder Wulff at P.O. Box 308, Battle Ground, WA 98604 or em ail j wulff 123 @