Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 27, 2013, Page 20, Image 20

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    Page 20
Portland Observer
Black History Month
February 27, 2013
Black History Tribute
T he V ancouver N A A C P and
the Y W C A invite the c o m m u ­
nity to a B lack H istory M onth
tribute event honoring the late
local lead er Val Joshua.
Joshua, w ho led the N A A C P
ch ap ter for 29 years, d ied in
D ecem b er at the age o f 92. T he
tribute takes place on T hursday,
Feb. 28 from 10 a.m . to noon at
the Y W C A C lark C ounty C om ­
m unity R oom , 3609 M ain St. in
V ancouver.
T he Y W C A is d edicated to
elim inating racism and e m p o w ­
e rin g w o m e n . T h e N A A C P
w orks to ensure the political,
educational, social, and econom ic
Patrick John Sweeney, P.C
Patrick John Sweeney
Washington State University professor David Leonard, the author
o f ‘Screens Fade to Black, ’ a book about African-American cinema
Attorney at Law
Val Joshua
1549 SE Ladd
Portland, Oregon
equality o f rights o f all persons
and to elim in ate race-b ased
discrim ination.
c o n ta c t
F o r m o re in fo rm atio n , call
M ich elle H u rd le-B rad fo rd at
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(503) 244-2081
(503) 244-2084
Sweeney @ PDXLawyer.com
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from page 6
Supporting Actress for her portrayal
as Scarlett O ’Hara’s mammy, a "no
blacks” rule at an Atlanta, Ga. venue
kept her from attending the film ’s
extravagant premiere. And then, on
Oscar night in 1940, a tucked-away
table at Los A ngeles’ Coconut
Grove kept her apart from the big­
gest movie stars of the time.
Accepting the award at the po­
dium, she told the audience and
newsreel cameras, "I sincerely hope
I shall always be a credit to my race.”
The door may have squeaked
open, but only a crack. It would be
50 more years before the next black
w om an re c eiv e d an O scar -
Goldberg for her role as a psychic in
"What the Oscar didn’t win Hattie
and other blacks that night was
equality,” said Leonard.
Today, with prom inent African
A m erican stars such as H alle
Berry, Denzel W ashington, Danny
G lover and W ill Smith, things in
Tinsel Town have changed, he
said. Yet, change in the film in­
dustry lags, especially com pared
to blacks’ opportunities in music
and sports.
"Hollywood still has a tendency
to equate blackness with have-nots,
crim inals and dom estic h elp ,”
Leonard said. "The day they are
depicted not as symbols but as
blacks being themselves, we can
look back at Hattie on Oscar night
and say, ‘OK, it took a long time, but
we finally got there.’”
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