Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 27, 2013, Page 18, Image 18

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P ie
Portland Observer
TrIMet Moving Together Project
Bid Package: Mod #3
*Bld Items for Mechanical and Electrical work are subject to “Best Value"
evaluation and Parking Lot work Is restricted to DBE contractors)
Pre-Bid Meeting: March 7 ,20 1 3 at 10:00 a.m.
Bids Due: March 1 9 ,2 0 1 3 at 2:00 p.m.
Bid Documents - w w w .hoffm ancorD.com /subcontractors
Black History Month
February 27, 2013
RFP 13-2345
Event Manager
O rego n
C onvention Center, pa rt-tim e,
I The Corridor Planning Division of Metro, a metropolitan service district,
$19.33 - $20.43 hourly. Deadline:
organized under the laws of the State of Oregon and the Metro Charter,'
located at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736, is hereby |
requesting sealed proposals for Streetcar Corridor Evaluation
Methods: Economic Impact Analysis Tool.
O reg o n Zoo,
s e a s o n a l,
$ 1 0 .0 0
h ou rly.
Deadline: 03/06/13
S h u t t le
Hoffman Construction
Company of Oregon
Corridor Planning Division
| S tre e tc a r C orridor E valuation M eth o d s: Econom ic Im p a c t A nalysis Tool
D riv e r
P le a se v is it o u r w e b s ite at:
proposals are due by close of business March 19, 2013, in
w w w .oregonm etro.gov/jobs for
the complete job announcement
Metro’s business offices at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR
97232-2736, Attention: Julie Hoffman, Procurement Analyst, RFP I and a link to our online hiring
AA/EEO Employer
I Sealed
Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888
805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all Interested firms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises.
Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com
Metro is seeking expertise to develop a methodology for projecting I
the anticipated land use and economic development impacts of,
t e
streetcar in order to improve planning and resource allocation
decision-making at both the local and federal levels.
Worksystems, Inc. (WSI) will open three Request for Proposal (RFP)
solicitations to select qualified and experienced providers for:
for provision of workforce
services in Multnomah and Washington Counties and the City of
W orkSource Portland M e tro C enters (W S P M )
Vocational Case M a n ag em en t
Gambling Too Much?
Free, confidential help
is available statewide.
Call 1-877-MY-LIMIT to talk to a
I Bidding documents/Proposals can be viewed and downloaded at I certified counselor 24/7 or log
Metro’s website http://www.oregonm etro.gov, click on “Doing | onto 1877mylimit.org to chat live
with a counselor. We are not here
Business With”, then “Requests for Bids and Proposal”.
to judge. We are here to help. You
Metro may accept or reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, or waive
can get your life back.
irregularities not affecting substantial rights if such action is deemed
The Portland City Auditor’s
in the public interest.
Public Notice
Industry Sector-based Training services for low-income City of
OR Lottery Classified ad:
services for low-income City of Portland
I Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically
encourages minority, women-owned and emerging small businesses
Ito access and participate in this and all Metro projects, programs)
and services.
The RFPs and information about associated Bidder’s Conferences
will be available on the WSI website at www.worksvstems.org on
February 25,2013. Proposals must be received by March 28,2013
To be notified by email of future funding opportunities, please email
RFP.@worksYstems.org and indicate that you wish to be added to
he procurement notification list.
I Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any person(s),
employee or applicant for employment based on race, creed, color,
national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical j
handicap, political affiliation or martial status. Metro fully complies
with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and
regulations in all programs and activities. For more information, or |
j to obtain a Title VI Complaint Form, see w w w . o r e X o n m e t r o . g o v .
Worksystems, Inc. is an equal opportunity em ployer/program .
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
To place a free relay c all in Oregon dial 7 1 1 .
Weigh in on transportation
projects Feb. 22 to April 8, 2013
Metro is taking comments on proposed project list changes for
the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), a blueprint that
guides regional transportation investment. Comments will be
presented to decision makers for consideration before taking
action in May.
Proposed changes to the RTP project list include projects in
Washington County, Hillsboro, Beaverton, Portland, East
Multnomah County and Oregon Department of Transportation
projects along I-205.
You can also comment on analysis of how these changes may
affect regional air quality.
civilian oversight of the Portland
Police Bureau (Police Bureau). The
Citizen Review Committee (CRC) is an
advisory body to IPR and the Police
CRC holds appeal hearings of
police misconduct investigations:
listens to com munity concerns;
engages in trainings to increase
cultural awareness; reviews Police
Bureau policies; and advises IPR
on complaint handling processes.
Él ' ! 1
CRC members are appointed by
Portland City Council to serve three-
year terms.
Aporte sus comentarios a los proyectos
de transporte desde el 22 de febrero
hasta el 8 de abril de 2013
Metro está recibiendo opiniones sobre cambios a la lista del proyecto
propuesto para el Plan de Transporte Regional (RTP) de 2035, un
anteproyecto que guía las inversiones en el transporte regional. Las
opiniones serán presentadas a los encargados de tomar las decisio­
nes para su consideración antes de tomar una acción en mayo.
Los cambios propuestos a la lista del proyecto RTP incluyen
proyectos en Washington County, Hillsboro, Beaverton, Portland.
East Multnomah County y los proyectos del Departamento de
Transporte de Oregón a lo largo de la autopista I-205.
For project information or to comment online, see:
También puede hacer comentarios sobre el análisis de cómo estos
cambios pueden afectar la calidad del aire regional.
www.oregonmetro.gov/rtp, mail comments to 2013
Amendments to 2035 RTP, Metro 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland,
OR 97232, or email to rtp@oregonmetro.gov.
Para información sobre el proyecto o para exponer sus comentarios
en línea, visite: www.oregonmetro.gov/rtp, envíe sus comentarios
Comments must be received by M etro
by 5 p.m., Monday, April 8.
por correo a: 2013 Amendments to 2035 RTP, Metro 600 NE Grand
Ave., Portland, OR 97232, o por correo electrónico a
Metro | Making a great place
Independent Police Review (IPR)
division is responsible fo r the
Los comentarios deben ser recibidos por M etro a
más tardar el lunes, 8 de abril a las 5 de la tarde.
Candidates m ust be Portland,
Oregon, residents or business
owners, and be im partial and
objective without bias regarding
law enforcement.
A p p lic a tio n s are a v a ila b le at
ip rorthe IPR office: City Hall, 1221
SW 4 th Avenue, Room 3 2 0 ,
P ortland, OR 9 7 2 0 4 . Return
a p p lic a tio n s by 5 :0 0 pm,
Wednesday, March 13,2013, via
fax 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -3 5 3 0 , e-m ail
crc@portlandoregon.gov, mail, or
hand-delivery to IPR.
Drivers: Home Nightly! Portland
Roofer Runs. CDL-A ly r Exp. Req.
Great Pay, Benefits! Estenson
Logistics. Apply: www.goelc.com
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