February 6. 2013 The Portland observer was o f African in » The railroad < » a m „ ajor employer „ z « a Americans s s th e s m id t n s n n * s t n All Aboard! Black History Month C ™ s thehf s ° r ,> *' a am , lv m i d s r a n d K continued from fro n t 20th century. Open through April 21, visitors will learn about the various jobs available to blacks on the railroad, the churches, hotels, newspapers, Page 7 C r ollection — * and “ P ortland - • " S tate “ U niv E rs , tv * L ibrary ana Businesses established over the period, and let visitors experi­ ence what it meant to “drive a spike.” The Oregon Black Pioneers are one of the exhibit’s main sponsors. A panel discussion sponsored by the Black Pioneers, “Free at last? place Sunday, Feb. 10from3:30p.n to5:30p.m . attheD eltaJuneR . Ke Center, 5940 N. Albina Ave. The Oregon History Museum located at 1200 S.W. Park Ave. i downtown Portland. OUR MOST PRECIOUS ENERGY RESOURCE IS THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW HOW TO USE IT WISELY. From refrigerator recycling to solar panel installations, Oregon homeowners and businesses are teaming up with Energy Trust of Oregon to make a big impact on energy use around the state. Over the last decade, people like you have worked with Energy Trust to save more than a billion dollars on their energy bills. + See how you can reduce waste and save money. Call us at 1.866.368.7878 or visit www.energytrust.org Serving customers of Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, NW Natural and Cascade Natural Gas. i- EnergyTrust of Oregon