Page 20 The Portland Observer Black History Month Februa^ 6. 2013 New Prices Effective May 1,2010 Martin Cleaning Service © 15 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG $45.00 A sm all distance/travel charge m ay be applied CARPET CLEANING 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area LiKE iT5 NATURE CO O NTW RT IN > THE M O 9 OUR GaJglioKUV ENGINEERED SALMON SwitAS AGAlNsf A TORRENT OP Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (In c lu d e s : 1 s m a ll H a llw a y ) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 BHbeucE that T a w ©£ Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area (H allw ay Extra) O ther Services)'. $25.00 Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $10.00 each area (RequiringExtensivePre-Spraying) UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa: $69.00 Loveseat: $49.00 Sectional: $109 - $139 Chair or Recliner: $25 - $49 Throw Pillows (With th * P Other Services)'. $5.00 % ADDITIONAL SERVICES • Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning • Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning • Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment = v • Spot & Stain Removal Service • Scotchguard Protection • Minor Water Damage Services SEE CURRENT FLYER FOR ADDITIONAL PRICES & SERVICES Call for Appointment (503) 281-3949 . SOUNDS pisuy. kv Stairs (12-16 stairs - With Area/Oriental Rugs: $25.00Minimum Area/Oriental Rugs (Wooly. $40.00Minimum unfit for . . HUMAH CONSOMPTON, REACHING. OU/MPIAH SUMWifi» OF CORPORATE- PROFnA&U-lTy SO ITCAHSOA>NN A t^ A C y O F W N G e R lN G -rQ DOUBT “THREATS TO ,y0UR HEAiTH AND THAT O F yOUR, KIDS / Make America the Safest Big Country Advancing sensible gun reforms guns on school grounds, m andates universal background checks, and takes guns ou t o f the hands o f m en­ tal health patients deem ed likely to com m it violent acts. T w o days later at the W hite by M arc M orial H o u se , P re s id e n t O b a m a u n ­ O ne m onth after veiled the m ost sw eeping federal the shooting deaths gun control proposals in a g en ­ o f 20 first-g rad ers e ratio n . and six adults in a In addition to calling on C o n ­ school in N ew tow n, C onn., N ew gress to reinstate the assault w eap ­ Y ork G ov. A ndrew C uom o signed ons ban and close background check into law the m ost co m p reh en siv e loopholes, the President signed 23 gun legislation in the nation. executive actions to im m ediately P assed w ith o v erw h elm in g bi­ s tre n g th e n b a c k g ro u n d c h e c k s , partisan support, the N ew Y ork m ake schools safer, increase ac­ SA F E A ct strengthens the sta te ’s cess to m ental health services and assault w eapons ban, reduces gun reduce gun violence. m agazine capacity from 10 to seven W e applaud the actions o f G o v ­ b u lle ts , in c re a s e s p e n a ltie s fo r e rn o r C uom o and President O bam a purchasing illegal guns and using to finally address the p lag u e o f senseless gun violence and w e are encouraged by their com m itm ent to increase reso u rces fo r m ental h ealth co u n selin g an d p ro g rain s that help create safer c o m m u n i­ tie s. understand the desire to prom ote safety and p rotect o u r children, w e are adam antly opposed to arm ing teachers o r placing arm ed guards in schools. G uns d o no t b elong in sc h o o ls. A s a long-tim e advocate o f sen­ sible gun co n tro l m easu res, the N ational U rban L eague stands ready to w ork w ith the G o v ern o r, the P resid en t and o th ers to en d the e p id e m ic o f g u n v io le n c e in A m erica. E ach y ear on average, m o re than 100,000 people are shot o r killed w ith a gun in this country. T he A m erican people have had enough. A S iena C ollege survey show s that 73 p ercent o f N ew Y orkers sup­ port the state’s ex p an d ed assault w eapons ban and new lim its on high capacity m agazines. R ecent national polls also show that the A m erican people believe sensible gun control m easures are Attn: Subscriptions, T he | m ore im portant than protecting gun $45.00 for 3 months • $80.00 for 6 mo. • $ 125.00 Portland O bserver, PO Box ■ rights. Clearly, it is tim e for state for 1 year (p le a se in c lu d e c h e c k w ith fo r m ) 3137, Portland O R 97208. legislatures and C ongress to put the safety o f our children and the wishes ame o f the people before the dem ands o f the gun lobby w hich has used ex­ elephone trem ist rhetoric to prom ote a tor­ ddress tured and distorted interpretation o f the Second A m endm ent. A nd let m e be clear: W hile we or em ail subscriptions@ | A s a nation, w e hav e been h o rri­ fied by the tragedies in C olum bine, A u ro ra , O ak C re e k an d now N ew tow n. B ut as A m ericans, w e should be eq u ally h eartb ro k en and outraged by the daily gun violence occurring in cities th ro u g h o u t the country. Since the N ew to w n m as­ sacre, there h av e been m ore than 1,000 additional gun death s in this country, and several m ore school shooting incidents. T he tim e fo r h alf-m easures is over. A s the P resid en t said last m onth, “I w ill put ev ery th in g I ’ve g o t in to th is a n d so w ill J o e B id e n ...b u t this w ill not happen unless the A m erican p eo p le d e ­ m and it.” W e urge you to jo in the N a­ tional U rban L eague in calling on C ongress to w ork w ith the P resi­ dent to enact com m o n -sen se gun refo rm s. O u r goal sh o u ld be to m ake A m erica the safest big c o u n ­ try in the w orld. M a rc M o ria l is p re sid e n t a n d c h ie f execu tive o fficer o f the N a ­ tio n a l U rban League. S u b s c r ib e 503-288-0033 "| I I I I I ______________________________ __ I N T A : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : __________ : ____________ _