Page 8 ;)JÎ o r Haitit (Obserüer Action0" Guns continued from page 4 everything they can to block any com m onsense reform and make sure nothing changes w hatso­ ever," he said. "The only way we will be able to change is if their audience, their constituents, their m em bership says this time must be different, that this time we must do som ething to protect our com ­ |anuary23.2013 m unities and our kids." The president was flanked by children who wrote him letters about gun violence in the weeks following the Newtown shooting. Families of those killed in the massacre, as well as survivors of the shooting, were also in the audience, along with law enforcement officers and congres­ sional lawmakers. "This is our first task as a society, keeping our children safe," Obama said. "This is how we will be judged." Advertise with diversity in 11 "Portland Observer Call 503-288-0033 To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: I 503-288-0033 I O U U S C r iD v ; F ill Out & Send To: I I Jlortlanh (Observer I I Attn\ Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 I $45.00 for 3 months • $80.00 for 6 mo. • $125.00 for 1 year (please include check with this subscription form) I I N ame : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I T elephone : ___________________________ I A ddress : _______________________ I I or email San Francisco 4 9 e rs' LaMichael James, the former University o f Oregon standout, celebrates his touchdown run with teammate Michael Crabtree (15) in the NFL football NFC Championship game against the Atlanta Falcons on Sunday in Atlanta. (AP Photo) James Shines in Title Game Form er Oregon running back LaM ichael James had a big day in Sunday’s NFC Cham pionship game. Jam es scored the first touchdow n for San Fran­ cisco to help his team come back from a 17-0 deficit Demos Win MLK Hoopfest Portland’s Jefferson High School on Monday, beat Mt. Rainer, 66-65, with a last- M elson’s running floater came second shot by Silas Melson in the with just two seconds left in regula- King Holiday Hoopfest in Seattle tion The Mt. Rainier Rams had taken Peninsula Little League 2013 h ttp ://w w w .eteain m /p en u isu la littlelea g u e/ (Serving the Youth of Inner North & Northeast Portland ages 4-14) email us at: Softball Program Level M inor Major Junior Ages 8 -1 0 1 0 -1 2 1 3 -1 4 Questions contact: Regular Sign-ups $50/T-BaIl, $75 All other levels $150/Family(3 or more) Blazer Boys and Girls Club 5250 NE Martin Luther Ring Jr. Blvd January 26th (Fri) and January 30th (Wed) 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm Mark Washington •- 503-288-0033 marlcw@port 1 andobserver. com Signup Items to Bring: Proof of Address Player Fee Copy o f Birth Certificate and win the game against A tlanta, 28-24. Jam es was a H eism an Trophy finalist with the Oregon Ducks. A backup with the 49thers in his rookie season, he now m oves on to the Superbowl Cham pionship game. SATURDAYS at Peninsula Park Community Center 700 N Rosa Parks Wav February 2nd and February 16th 10:00 to 12:00 Baseball Program L svel Ages T-Ball Farm Minor Major Junior 4 -6 7- 8 8 - 10 1 0 -1 2 1 3 -1 4 Questions contact: Anthony Jordan ~ Online Registration will be available 1/19/13 http://www.ctfam /peninsulalittldeague/ or request Registration Packet at Little League Baseball, Incorporated does not limit participation in its activities on the basis of disability, race, creed. cd o r, national origin, gender, sexnal preference or religions preference. a one-point lead on a pair of free throws by Jamil Wilson-Jones just 10 seconds earlier. Victor Sanders led the Democrats (12-4) in scoring with 24 points, adding to his 6 rebounds. Melson had 19 points. Kelly Era in the NFL Begins (AP) - A new era for the P hila­ delphia Eagles has begun. Chip K elly was hired last week to be the 21st coach in team h is­ tory. The offensive innovator was lured away from Oregon, where he w ent 46-7 in four seasons and turned the program into a national pow erhouse. K elly, who arrived to a hero's w elcom e in Philadelphia, was in ­ troduced at a news conference Thursday at the team 's training complex. Though Kelly has no previous NFL experience, the Eagles are banking on him to turn around a franchise that has ju st 12 wins in the last two years and zero playoff victories since 2008. "It's a really exciting tim e for Chip Kelly me. It was a difficult decision. There's not m any opportunities ing owner. I knew what this place to coach in the N ational Football was all about, and this is where I League, and every one o f them is w anted to be. special," Kelly said. "But this is an "It was ju st a m atter o f figuring iconic franchise with an outstand- out how to do it the right way."