Page 10 Il,c ^lortlanh (©beerner January 23, 2013 BUDGET INSURANCE "Your Budget is our Budget" At Budget we AUTO work with many insurance com­ HOME panies to find the best fit for LIFE your needs and to fit your Budget. DURAN BEASLEY Call today for a free quote! 503 515 4377 BUSINESS HEALTH SR 22 Fax 503 445 4591 Office 503 445 4595 3202 SE 82nd Ave Portland, OR 97266 An independent agent serving Oregon & Washington Southern Styles & Barber 513ONEMLKBlvd. Portland, OR 97211 503-284-0044 Now Hiring Licensed Barbers/Stylist/Braiders & Natural Hair Specialist. B ooth R ent $75 (Negotiable) C ontact : SAM (360) 980-6153 • Secret (360) 980-6619 GOOD (GettingOutOfDebt) Teamwork Parties conducted by John Olive of TEAM 1 Participants can either attend or host, inviting 4-30 guest(team players). One of of our presenters will come to share how people can go from barely making it to abundantly making it within 2-6 months after they start. Get started now for $19.90 or $39.90. We will show participants how to supplement income to the tune of between $400 to over a five digit residual income check, GUARANTEED if following our cash flow system. Your check will show up in a few days, then many will follow thereafter. Coach John can be reached at 503-358-9655. Also see or take a tour at ‘All My Babies’ Dropped Network acts after campaign by activists Oxygen Media has pulled the plug on "All My Babies' Mamas," a reality special the network was de­ veloping about Atlanta-based rap­ per Shawty Lo, who has fathered 11 children by 10 women, and a girl­ friend the same age as his oldest daughters. The network offered no reason for curtailing the project. In a state­ ment issued last week, Oxygen said that, "as part o f our development process, we have reviewed casting oxygen and decided not to move forward Ä D Ä 0 oxv CE n with the special." SHOW *Ww. The one-hour program would *ygen have featured the rapper, the vari­ ous mothers and children. It was expected to air later this year on Oxygen, an NBCUniversal cable network owned by Comcast that was previously owned by Oprah Winfrey and Nickelodean. "All My Babies' Mamas" got a hostile public reception. A petition from called for Oxygen to shut it down. Activists called the reality TV show an exploitation o f black fami­ lies. “As we celebrate the birthday of Best-selling author Sabrina Lamb delivers over 37,000 signa­ the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, tures from her petition asking Oxygen Media to drop who fought for justice for all, and a proposed show starring Atlanta-based rapper Shawty Lo, his 11 especially children, he once said, children, and their 10 mothers. ‘Our lives begin to end the day we the plight o f children and targets P re v io u sly , O x y g en d en ied become silent about things that young women with stereotypical, charges that the show was meant to m atter.’ I am pleased that Oxygen dangerous, unsafe messages. This be "a stereotypical representation Media has heard the outrage o f over petition, this victory is for them,” o f everyday life for any one demo- 37,000 consumers and sharehold­ Lambsaid. graphic or cross section o f soci- ers who said, ‘enough is enough,’” The Parents Television Council ety," but rather would reveal "the said Sabrina Lamb, a best-selling called the program’s concept "gro- complicated lives o f one man, his A frican -A m erican au th o r who te sq u e ly irre s p o n s ib le and children's mamas and their army of started the petition. exploitive" and pledged to contact children." “We will not support any net­ advertisers of the show if it reached The Associated Press contrib- work and advertiser which exploits the air. uted fO this story. Destination Experience Grows continued from page 9 faced with declining enrollment throughout the Portland School District, officials closed Kennedy, declaring it too old and crumbling to repair. Scrambling to ward off several demolition orders, a coalition of neighbors, form er students, past PTA presidents and the Portland Development Commission fought successfully to save the building. Mike and Brian McMenamin pre­ sented just one o f several propos­ als for reviving the condemned prop­ erty. Other ideas ranged from a re­ tirement home to an indoor soccer facility. After receiving the approval o f the city and the support o f the n e ig h b o rh o o d , M cM en am in s launched its renovation in the spring of 1997, infusing the 80-year-old structure with new life. In particular, a river o f artwork was inspired by the sto rie s o f g e n e ra tio n s o f Kennedy's students and teachers. On Oct. 22, 1997, the original principal's bell was rung on the front steps at 7 a.m. sharp to herald the old sch o o l's new b eg in n in g as McMenamins Kennedy School. Of­ fering a unique and fun lodging, din­ ing and meeting experience, Kennedy remains a lively gathering spot for neighbors and newcomers alike.