Building Capacity ■ w Minority contractors honor partners in TriMet light-rail construction const ructic €7 1 ■ t r>< t ' K V a»! See Law & Just Justice, page 5 ^jtartlanh ‘City 0/Roses’ Volume XXXXII Number 3 lb U _____ 4 ,dll w www.p w w .p o L 3 wedne Wednesday • January 23, 2013 Sore Justice WJÊ- it Family outraged at teenk sentencing See Local News, page 3 F c t a k l i c h ^ J in 1 0 7 0 Established in 1970 ■ Committed to Cultural Diversity & President Barack Obama waves to a flag-waving crowd of hundreds of thousands and millions more watching on TV during his second Presidential Inauguration cer­ emony on Monday at the U.S. Capitol in Washington. (AP photo) ë A Day to Remember President Obama’s 2nd Inauguration (AP) - Asserting "America's pos­ sibilities are limitless," President Barack Obama declared on Monday that a decade of war is ending and the nation's economy is recovering as he launched into a second term before a flag-waving crowd of hun­ dreds of thousands on the National MaU. "My fellow Americans, we are made for this moment, and we will "We must make the hard choices seize it, so long as we seize it to­ to reduce the cost of health care and gether," Obama said, moments after the size of our deficit," he said. But taking the oath of office on a crisp we reject the belief that America day in the nation's capital. must choose between caring for the generation that built this country The president didn't dwell on any and investing in the generation that first-term accom plishm ents but will build its future." looked to hard work ahead in a coun­ Hundreds of thousands of people try still grappling with a sluggish fanned out across the Mall, and economy. millions more watched on televi­ sion, as Obama took the oath of office to begin his second term. The daughters o f President Sandwiched between the bruis­ Barack Obama, Malia (left) ing presidential campaign and loom­ and Sasha arrive for the ing fiscal fights, Monday's inaugu­ Presidential Inauguration. ral celebrations marked a brief re­ (Reuters/Pool photo) | spite from the partisan gridlock that has consumed the past two years. Standing in front of the flag-be­ decked Capitol, he implored W ash­ ington to find common ground over his next four years. And seeking to build on the public support that catapulted him to the White House twice, the president said the public has "the obligation to shape the debates of our time." "Not only with the votes we cast, but with the voices we lift in defense of our most ancient values and en­ during ideals," Obama said. Looking ahead to his second- term agenda, the president said the continued on page 2