Page 14 ^portlanò (Ohserüer January 9, 2013 Sheriff Backs Feds on Holds c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3 OR Lottery Classified ad: G am bling Too Much? Free, confidential help is available statewide. Call 1-877-MY-LIMIT to talk to a certified counselor 24/7 or log onto to chat live with a counselor. We are not here to judge. We are here to help. You can get your life back. L egal N otices Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! e-mail: Fax: 503-288-0015 The Portland Observer Affordable Quality Retirement Living for Seniors 62 years and older A lberta S immons P laza 6611 NE M artin L uther K ing B lvd • P ortland , 97211 5 0 3 -2 4 0 *4 1 9 8 • One-Bedroom Apartments, Full Kitchens and Living Areas • Planned Activities, Laundry Facility,Conference and Meeting Room, Elevator and Library sentatives, county com m issioners and federal officials. T he sh eriff said it is not up to his discretion to com ply w ith federal im m igration, o r IC E, holds. “T he regulation as w ritten is m andatory, and d e sp ite d is a g re e m e n t fro m som e m em bers o f the com m unity I m ust follow the law and com ply with im m igration holds as prescribed by federal regulation.” “I w as not elected to interpret the law , I was elected to enforce the law, w hether the law is p o p u lar o r not, or w hether I personally agree w ith it,” said Staton in the issued statem ent. H e said the s h e r iffs office w ill rem ain in dialogue w ith the co m m u ­ nity and assess im m igration law s in the event that federal law o r reg u la­ tions are changed o r he is directed by the court to discontinue o r sus­ pend o u r current practices. A ctivists say that sheriffs in Los A ngeles, B erk eley , and C h icag o have sto p p ed h o n o rin g the IC E GOOD DAY READER CHOOSE TEAM SIZE: LET THIS NEW YEAR FIND YOU IN THE MINDSET OF DOING BETTER IN ALL AREAS OF LIFE. OUR TEAM 1 TEACHERS ARE POISED TO HELP YOU/YOUR FAMILIES, FINANCIALLY, TO MOVE FROM BARELY Q Team 3 9 You — Refer — D uplicate = $1150+ D Team 4 Team □ RESIDUAL INCOME INDUSTRY" HOST OR ATTEND A G.O.O.D. (GETTING OUT OF DEBT) PARTY FOR US 4 16 You — Refer — D uplicate = 1960 + 5 5 □ □ AND ALLOW OUR TEACHERS TO DO A PRESENTATION FOR YOU/YOUR GROUP/TEAM SO THAT WE CAN SHOW YOU WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU. CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THE FOLLOWING 10 Team — You - 30 INCOME GOALS AND WE WILL HELP YOU EARN THAT INCOME WTHIN THE DESIGNATED TIME FRAME BY WAY OF TEAMWORK, DOING THE OPPORTUNITY THAT WE SUGGEST. NOTE: IT TAKES $39.00 TO START (This helps you to raise $$) PARTICIPANTS JOIN SAVINGS HIGHWAY & VITEL WIRELESS FOR FREE UNDER SPONSOR FOR 1ST 30 DAYS. THEN UPGRADE. VISIT: YOU CAN E-MAIL YOUR RESPONSE TO TEAM1WON@GMAIL.COM ATTN J. Olive Team 1 10514 N.E. 43rd St. Vancouver, W.A. 98682 Phone: 503-358-9655 (John) See drink chem ically treated w ater and D e p e n d in g o n th e d e g re e o f su b lu x atio n s d eg en eratio n , y our c h iro p ra c to r c an o fte n p ro v id e help. F o r senior citizens w h o ’ve been fortunate enough to suffered m ini­ m al traum a in th eir lives, virtually com plete spinal recovery should be alm ost as easy as it w ould be fo r y o u n g er people. F o r th o se w h o h av e su ffe re d needlessly fo r years, y o u r chiro- p raeto r can often slow o r stop the consum e an average o f nine pounds o f food additives and chem ical pre- servatives in a year, putting even d e g en e ra tio n , m ak in g life m ore com fortable. It is certain ly w orth the effort so that o ur sen io r citi- m ore stress on th e ir bodies. O n e sure w ay to k eep the stress level from causing potentially dangerous subluxations is w ith regular chiro- practic checkups. zens get the dignity o f h ealth care they deserve. TM An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession. Part 35. Different Benefits by Age Group Dr. Billy R. Flowers : W hat age groups can a chi Q ropractor help m ost? l : This is like asking which age g ro u p s b e n e fit m o st fro m g o o d h ealth . A nd yet, each age gro u p has specific problem s for w hich y o u r chiro p racto r has sp e­ cific answ ers. Infant and Young Children O ther m others are often am azed to see a m other carrying h er infant out o f the adjusting room . And yet, ture o f the spine) during puberty. c a u s e s a h ig h p e r c e n ta g e o f L eft untreated, scoliosis keeps g et­ subluxations, infants to need ch i­ ting w orse o v er tim e. H ow ever, it ropractic care. can a lm o st a lw a y s b e c o rre c te d O bviously, children and infants w hen chiropractic care is initiated are treated differently than adults. in time. There are new, highly sophisticated N eedless to say, ev ery teenage m ethods o f adjusting children and girl should be checked regularly for infants to insure the best possible s c o lio s is a n d all te e n a g e rs an d results w ith the least possible dis­ young adults should see their c h i­ co m fo rt. T h o u g h y o ung ch ild ren ro p ra c to r reg u larly to m ak e sure c a n ’t tell you th e y ’re in pain, heir their new ly active sports lives aren ’t irritability is often a sign o f the need c re a tin g sp in al p ro b le m s th e y ’ll to be checked. have to live w ith the rest o f their lives. Young A dults and Teenagers M ore and m ore young adults and Adults teen ag ers are g ettin g in v o lv ed in T he w orld today is experiencing active sports. A s a result, m ore and a terrible level o f stress. Long w ork m ore o f them are getting injured, re­ w eeks, seem ingly im possible dead­ quiring prom pt chiropractic care. lines and econom ic w oes create in ­ O bviously h a lf o f he girls in our c re d ib le p re s s u re s . In a d d itio n , so ciety d ev elo p sco lio sis (c u rv a ­ m ost adults breathe in polluted air, 10 100 Refer — D uplicate = $70,000+ 30 900 Note: These Achievers also get $2,000.00 per month housing allowances, 2 auto allowances, $1,250.00 per month, cell phone, cable, internet, electricity expenses, bonuses + 500 free gas promo. SPINA ’COLUMN sin ce th e d e liv e ry p ro c e ss its e lf 25 Team — You — Refer — D uplicate = $8,100+ THE P Net Inc. Per month You — Refer — D uplicate = $400+ 3 MAKING IT TO ABUNDANTLY MAKING IT WITHIN THE NEXT 2-6 MONTHS IN THE "TEAMWORK RECOMMENDED DEBT/CREDIT CARD (For Faster Results) • Conveniently Located to Shopping, Restaurants,Pharmacy and Medical Offices holds in o rd er to keep th eir co m m u ­ nities safer and fam ilies together, in c lu d in g C a lifo rn ia ’s A tto rn e y G eneral w ho issued a legal m em o earlier in D ecem ber stating that IC E holds are not m andatory, but m erely re q u e sts. “S h eriff Staton continues to ig ­ nore the A C T N etw ork and the com ­ m unity and is locking up m any inno­ cent people to fulfill the Federal g o v ern m en t’s ag en d a,” local im m i­ grant advocacy group V O Z stated in a recent press release. Senior Citizens Som ething for E veryone A s you can see, there are p rac­ tically as m an y reaso n s to have reg u lar chiropractic checkups as there are people. M ake an appoint- m ent for y o u rself and y o u r loved o n es soon. Retirem ent age for m any people has b e co m e ju s t p la in tire so m e , Aches and pins, often the result o f untreated subluxations, abound. Yet is hardly seem s fair that having to Flow ers C hiropractic O ffice suffer w ith pain or being drugged 2124 N E H ancock into num bness are fair rew ards for P ortlan d, O regon 97212 all the years o f hard work. Phone: (503) 287-5504 Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124NEHancock, Portland Oregon97212 Phone: (503)287-5504