Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 02, 2013, Page 10, Image 10

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lanuary 2.2013
V I E Ml
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films at the
Stephen Slappe presents two
90-minute programs of 16mm films,
tracing skateboarding's history
from clay wheels to pig boards.
The films are rare moving image
docum ents feature early, som e­
tim es uncredited, appearances by
w ell-k n o w n sk aters in clu d in g
L a n c e M o u n ta in , C a ra -B e th
Burnside, Billy Ruff, M ike Weed,
Stacy Peralta, Russ Howell, Tom
Sim s, Gregg Carroll, Bert LaM ar,
and Tony Alva.
In addition to being a life-long
skater, Slappe is chair of the Video
Rolling Deep: Skateboarding Films, 1965-1980 is presented at the
Hollywood Theatre, on Thursday, Jan. 3 and Thursday, Jan. 10.
& Sound departm ent at the Pacific
Northw est College o f Art.
Rolling Deep: Skateboarding
Film s, 1965-1980 screens at the
Hollyw ood Theatre, 4122 N.E.
Sandy Blvd. on Thursday, Jan. 3
and Thursday, Jan. 10, both at
7:30 p.m. A dm ission is $7.
I L ovet0 Eat
Original foodie
showcased on stage
Showdogs is a full service salon. We do
baths, all over hair cuts, tooth brushing ,
nail trims, soft claws, flea treatments, mud
baths, and ear cleaning. We also have
health care and grooming products to
keep your pet clean in between visits.
Show Dogs Grooming Salon & Boutique
926 N. Lombard
Portland, OR 97217
Ihesday-Saturday 9am-7pm
Monday 10am-4pm
Yo dawg is gonna look like a show dawg
and your kitty will be pretty.
America’s original foodie takes center stage at
last! Portland Center Stage’s production of I Love to
Eat, by James Still, begins preview performances on
Tuesday, Jan. 8, opens on Friday, Jan. 11 and runs
Tuesday through Sunday through Feb. 3.
Before Julia Child, before today’s proliferation of
cooking shows and networks, there was James Beard,
the first TV chef. He brought fine cooking to the small
screen in 1946 and helped establish an American
cuisine. But, as is often the case with pioneers, his
early efforts on screen have been lost. He went on to
become America’s first “foodie,” and the award
bearing his name is still the prize most coveted by
Playwright James Still invites you to meet the man
described as “the face and belly o f American gas­
tronomy” in this play that recreates an evening at
Beard’s New York home. “This play is really a love
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Portland Center Stage celebrates James Beard, the
first TV chef, with the production ‘I Love to Eat.'
story, the story of a man whose joy in life became sharing
food in the way it most connects us and brings us
together, and teaches us how to respect it as both a
pleasure and an art form ,” says D irector Jessica
Kubzansky of the iconic Beard.
Show times are 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday,
with 2 p.m. m atinees on Sundays and select Satur­
days, and m atinees at noon on Thursdays. Tickets
can be purchased online at pcs.org, by phone at 503-
445-3700 or by visiting the box office located at 128
N.W. 11th Ave.
Water Warrior Challenge
Get fit and have fun at Portland Parks & Recreation ’ s
pools. The 12th annual Water Warrior Club has the
city’s six indoor pools hosting fitness challenges for
the month of January for both lap swim and water
exercise participants.
Swimmers who complete at least 16 workouts in the
month of January will receive not only great health
benefits but a snazzy, stylish and envy-inducing Water
Warrior t-shirt. Swimmers will chart their progress at
their neighborhood pool.
Contact your local pool or the Aquatic Administra­
tion Office at 503-823-5130 for details.