December5, 2012 Knife Used in Store Robbery 21 - Year-Old Charged Kohls robber Police are looking for a m an in his early 20s w ho is suspected o f shoplifting from K o h l’s d epartm ent store at 10010 N.E. H alsey St. Loss prevention officers at the store told police that upon confrontation, the suspect threatened them w ith a knife before he ran out o f the area. The suspect is described as an A frican A m erican m ale, 5 ’6 ” tall, 160 pounds, w earing a black sw eatshirt with red A ir Jordan em blem on the front and a backw ards baseball cap. C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for in fo rm a tio n a b o u t th e c rim e . L e a v e a tip o n lin e at crim esto p p erso fo reg o n .co m , text C R IM E S (274637) and in subject like put 823H ELP, follow ed by your tip, or call 503-823- HELP(4357). Computer Thief on the Run The police are asking for the public's help in identifying a man w ho has been stealing com puters from Portland area schools. O ver the last m onth, a m an has en tered several schools. He then goes into classroom s and steals e-laptops, tablets and other electronic devices. T he suspect is a w hite m ale in his m id-20s to early 30s, approxim ately 5 T 0 ", and 160 pounds. C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for inform ation, reported to C rim e Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case. Leave a tip online at crim esto p p erso fo reg o n .co m , text C RIM ES (274637) and in the subject line put 823H ELP, followed by your tip, o r call 503 -8 2 3 -H E L P (4357) and leave your tip inform ation. Celebrate New Year’s Eve safely. Ride free 8 p.m. to end of service. T R I M E T in Restaurant Holdups Sylvana La Louangsisongkham A 21-year-old w om an, Sylvana L a L ouangsisongkham , is in c u s­ tody, accused o f robbing three res­ taurants on M onday, N ov. 26. the T ie n d a S a n ta C ru z at 8830 N. L om bard St., Subw ay at 9000 N. L om bard, and the M cD onalds at 3208 N.W . Y eon Ave. D etectives received a tip from the public that led them to the suspect. D etectives recovered a B eretta BB gun, sp ray-painted black, that w a s u s e d in th e r o b b e r ie s . L ouangsisongkham w as being held on $1 m illion bail. Sex Offender Wanted Police are asking the public for help in locating w anted sex offender, R icky M arquis C oley, 35. C oley is describ ed as an A frican A m erican m ale, 5 ’4 ” tall, 155 to 165 pounds, w ith num erous tattoos. Police say that he failed to report to his parole officer and rem oved his G PS ankle bracelet. C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for in fo rm a­ tio n . L e a v e a tip o n lin e at c rim e sto p p e rso fo re g o n .c o m , text CRIM ES (274637) and in subject like put 823H E L P, follow ed by your tip, or call 503-823-H ELP (4357). Ricky Coley ■■■■■■■■■■■MaHamMMaaMMNMnaMMnH No Arrest in 2010 Homicide H om icide detectives are looking fo r inform ation regarding the death o f 32-year-old R andy Lee W illard Jr., w ho w as found dead o f a shot­ gun w ound in his duplex apartm ent in D ecem ber 2010. A neighbor had reported loud sounds com ing.from next residence. W hen police arrived to the 3500 block o f Southeast 72nd A venue, they found W illard deceased. H o­ m icide detectives d eterm ined that he died as the result o f a hom icide. N o arrests have been made. Crim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard RandyWillard o f up to $ 1,000 for inform ation that C R IM E S (274637) and in the subject leads to an arrest. Leave a C rim e line put 823H EL P, follow ed by your S to p p e r s tip o n lin e at tip, or call 503-823-H ELP (4357) and crim , text leave your tip inform ation. RM NNM HHM M KM M IM M H S H M M W I Drunk Driver Damages Max A m an driving u n d er m ore than tw ice the legal lim it o f alcohol crashed his H u m m er H 2 at the w est end o f the Steel B ridge early Sunday m orning, causing dam age and d e ­ lays to M ax lines. T he driver, 3 8 -y ear-o ld B rian E dm und A nderson o f N orth P ort­ la n d , w a s b o o k e d in to th e M ultnom ah C ounty Jail on charges o f D U II and R eckless D riving. H e co u ld face additional charges in connection w ith the dam age to the M A X line.