Guilty of Bribes Out of the Shadows Former city parking Speaking out against manager awaits anti-immigrant sentencing policies See page 3 page 3 gj.l nrt la n b Observer 4 Volum eXXX XI ‘City ()f Roses' Number 34 k k H *JI L3 Wednesday • September 5, 2012 Established in 1970 Com m itted to Cultural D iversity v A Divided Nation Awaits Obama Nomination Democrats will present their prescription for fixing the sluggish economy (AP) -- Democrats assembled Tuesday to re-nom inate Barack Obama for the presidency, to sell him as the wise and humane alterna­ tive to Republican challenger Mitt Romney, a pitch that will be repeated endlessly over the next two months to an American electorate that is more politically divided than at any time in at least a quarter century. As they watch the political stage­ craft, there may be only one thing all Americans can agree on: Deep con­ cern over the struggling American economy that has made only a halt­ ing recovery from the Great Reces­ sion and near meltdown of the U.S. financial sector just before Obama took office 3 1/2 years ago. Through the course of the Demo­ cratic National Convention this week, Obama and his party will be fighting Romney's argument that the president has failed and will only lead the country deeper into debt and economic despair. That was the Republican theme at their national convention last week in Tampa, Florida. For his part, Obama set the tone for the Democratic gathering in Charlotte, North Carolina, declaring Monday that Romney's governing prescriptions are something out of the past century. "Despite all the challenges that we face in this new century, we saw three straight days of an agenda out of the last century. It was a rerun. You might as well have watched it on black-and-white TV," Obama told an audience of auto workers in Toledo, Ohio. Obama is making a slow circuit of campaign stops in key battleground states before com­ Obama has been and will be arguing that Romney's plans and policies are a reprise o f those employed by George W. Bush. ing to North Carolina later in the week to accept his re-nomination. Later Monday, Obama broke off the campaign trail to console vic­ tims of Hurricane Isaac along the continued on page 8 Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year, or even one term. But, America, 1 have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will gCt there. - President Barrack Obama %