August 22.2012__________ Music sets stage fo r wine, art and food The 15th anniversary of the Vancouver Wine and Jazz Festival runs four days this year, Aug. 23,24, 25, and 26 at Esther Short Park in downtown Vancouver. The concert lineup features a group of internationally acclaimed jazz, blues and Latin musicians, in­ cluding Jose Feliciano, an eight­ time Grammy winning guitar virtuoso and Latin Jazz artist; War, the groundbreaking American band fusing jazz, blues, rock and Latin; and the Rippingtons, recognized as the number one contemporary jazz band in America. Other musicians to perform in­ clude the Yellowjackets, a multiple Grammy nominated and critically acclaimed fusion jazz band; the Brubeck Brothers Jazz Quartet; Lavay Smith and Her Red Hot Skillet Lickers; Marcia Ball; and Diane Schuur. Local and regional jazz bands will also be performing, and a Jazz Edu­ cation Stage will provide an oppor­ tunity for high school musicians to perform each day. More than 24 concerts will be performed through­ out the weekend. The Festival features over 200 wines from around the world. At- W ÿortlanh QObserUer Diversity Special Edition Page b W ineand Jazz Festival weekend displaying their products and services. “The Festival is a true cultural arts festival. We present American jazz music, fine arts and crafts, pre­ mium wines and great food” says Dr. Maria Manzo, festival director. “Our goal is to create a multi-faceted cultural festival, and create a palate from which people can sample and hear great music, sample a North- west wine, purchase a piece of art, and just immerse themselves in an artistic and creative weekend.” General admission tickets are $25 at the gate. A 3-day discount pass can be purchased in advance for $60, and discount single tickets are also available in advance. Call the festival box office at 360-906-0441, or visit or Eight-time Grammy winning legend Jose Feliciano fronts a line-up o f jazz, blues and Latin musicians who will perform at the Vancouver Wine and Jazz Festival, Thursday, Aug. 2 3 through Sunday, Aug. 26. tendees can sample wines with a 1 - ounce taste or purchase a glass to sip while enjoying food from 9 local food vendors. The cuisine ranges from North­ west, German and Greek cuisine, to Hawaiian fare and Philly Cheese Steak. Art and craft lovers can shop the 40 fine artists from California, Montana, Washington and Oregon. Numerouscommercial exhibitors will also be on hand throughout the ■H The Alberta Rose Theater will host a concert inspired by the African Diaspora when Akaidja Afroso and other musicians perform on Saturday, Aug. 25. RWMMMH Diane Schuur ■■■■NMNMMBi ■ m m m m m m i Inspired by the African Diaspora A fusion of traditional African music and music inspired by the A fri­ can Diaspora will fill the stage for a concert at the A lberta Rose Theater, 3000 N.E. Alberta St., on Saturday, Aug. 25 at 7:30 p.m. The concert will feature O kaidja Afroso and Shokoto in a spectacular CD release event that will lift your spirits. Shokoto plays a fusion o f tradi­ tional African music and music in­ spired by the African Diaspora. You can expect exultant com positions, soulful vocals, and energetic dancing to create an unforgettable experience. Okaidja preserves traditional A fri­ can music and dance while prom oting cross-cultural understanding by shar­ ing his culture with diverse groups of people. He creates music and dance program s that are educational, inno­ vative, and entertaining. His work in­ corporates the essential elem ents and spirit o f W est Africa. Through his studies, he has cre­ ated a unique form o f music and dance that blends traditional Ghanaian m u­ sic and dance with rhythms and m ove­ ments o f the African D iaspora, in­ cluding A fro-Cuban, A fro-B razilian, Afro-Peruvian, Am erican Blues, Jazz and Tap. The concert will also include a raffle to be held for a beautiful African drum, courtesy of Rhythm Traders and other prizes. Adm ission is $15 in advance and $20 at the door. For tickets, visit the A lb e rta R o se box o f f ic e , or call 503-764- 4131.