C areer ^ E ducation Special Coverage, inside g^ortla«b© bsEruer43 □ Read back issues of the Portland Observer at www.portlandobserver.com ‘City o f Roses’ Volume Volume XXXXI, XXXXI. Number Number 18 18 Established ¡n in 1970 Established 1970 Wednesday 2012 Wednesday • • May May 16. 16. 2012 Committed Committed to to Cultural Cultural Diversity Diversity ' ‘ } Standing Your Ground Activists join battle over foreclosures by M indy C ooper T he P ortland O bserver It’s not just the Occupy Portland movement that’s putting economic disparity issues on the political land­ scape. A new organization formed by labor activists to fight for a fair economy is increasingly helping local residents facing eviction take on banks, which have foreclosed on their mortgages. Founded in September by the members of the Oregon Service Employees International Union, We Are Oregon began their journey by knocking on doors to talk to people who work for a living, but don’t experience long-term stability. “Folks, who work for living, es­ pecially poor communities of color, are on the short end of the power dynamic,” said Angus Maguire, We Are Oregon communications direc­ tor. “People say you should play by the rules, but the problem is the rules are broken.” Maguire said what makes his or­ ganization unique is that it is bring­ ing people together to confront the problems that affect them. The result, he said, has been the birth of several campaigns to help residents struggling against fore­ closures, but also addressing is­ sues like low wages, wage theft, and the availability of healthy and af­ fordable foods for disadvantaged populations. We Are Oregon took roots be­ fore the Occupy Wall Street move­ ment spread to cities across America, but mirror much of the energy of Occupy by trying to solve an eco­ photo by M indy C ooper /T hf . P ortland O bserver nomic crisis for working families and Debbie Austin celebrates Mother’s Day on the front porch o th e r northeast Portland home. Skyrocketing bills from cancer continued on page 4 treatments and other health issues put her family into bankruptcy and now they are struggling to keep the house as a bank executes a foreclosure.