^înrthmb (Ohsertier May 2, 2012 Page A9 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver.com. ¿¡fcY New Prices < / Effective May 1,2010 Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG $45.00 A sm all distance/travel charge m ay be applied CARPET CLEANING 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: I sm all H allway) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area (Hallway Extra) Stairs (1 2 -1 6 sta irs - With O th e r S ervices): $25.00 Area/Oriental Rugs: $25.00 Minimum Declaring War on Women, Moms or Not GOP gender chasm may get bigger M artha B lrk T h e s o - c a lle d "m om m y w ars" are h e a tin g up ag ain . O nce m ore, w e ’re s e e in g s ta y - a t- hom e m om s sup­ posedly pitted against m om s w ith paid jo b s during an election year. T he latest episode started w hen D em ocratic analyst H ilary R osen questioned A nn R om ney's cred en ­ tials for serving as her husband's adviser on w om en's econom ic p ri­ orities, saying R om ney had "never w orked a day in h er life." R osen so o n a p o lo g iz e d , in s is tin g she m eant no offense to stay-at-hom e m om s like A nn R om ney. But w ith a fam ily nest egg o f at least $200 m illion, A nn's econom ic view is rather distant from the van­ tage point o f the m illions o f A m eri­ can w om en w orking for the m in i­ m um w age. A nd nearly tw o-thirds o f m inim um -w age w orkers are adult w om en. In case you haven't done the m ath, at the current $7.25 per hour, that's $ 15,080 per year w ith no vacation. B ut th e d ic h o to m y b e tw e e n "w orking m others" and those w ho stay at hom e w ith kids is false. Even by though we trot out the flow ers and overdone pancakes every M other's D ay, the truth is w e don't value our m others very m uch in this country — at least not as a m atter o f social policy. Take the w age gap. W om en w ork­ ing full-time and year-round earn 78 cents on the dollar w hen com pared to men. But that's not the whole story. According to M omsRising.org, m oth­ ers earn 27 percent less than their male counterparts, and single m oth­ ers earn a w hopping 34 to 44 percent less than men. A nd those stay-at-hom e m om s w ho care for their kids and elderly parents? T hey get a big fat zero in their Social Security accounts for every year they stay out o f the w o rk fo rce . O th e r in d u stria liz e d countries grant "caregiver credits" for such family service. U.S. w omen's groups have been cam paigning for this for years, but w hat they get in return are proposals to privatize Social Security o r do aw ay w ith it altogether. M ore m others m ight jo in the w orkforce if they could rely on d e ­ cent, affordable child care. T hat's an o th er area w here o u r national policies fall w oefully short. M any European countries have som e form o f universal ch ild care. T hey treat it as a benefit com parable to a public school education. N ot here. In the U nited States, child care is view ed as a strictly personal prob­ lem except for the poorest fam ilies. A ccording to the N ational A ssocia­ tion o f C h ild C are R esource and R eferral A gencies, child care is the second-largest fam ily expenditure, running from $3,850 to $ 18,200 per child per year. By contrast, tuition at a state university averages $7,600 p er year. A nd even if a few w orking m others do have the big bucks to pay for child care, and then have som ething left in their piggy banks, it doesn't solve the problem . R eli­ able child care centers are hard to find, since m any are c o rp o rate- o w ned and squeeze the em ployees (overw helm ingly fem ale) with noto­ riously low w ages and few benefits. D uring the R osen-R om ney flap, M om sR ising C E O K ristin R ow e- F inkbeiner noted that we don't re­ ally have a "m om m y war" here. W hat w e have is a w ar on m om m ies — w orking outside the hom e o r not. O ur national policies w ould seem to support that view . M itt R om ney, as usual, is on both sides. For him , it depends on w hether you're talk ­ ing about rich m om m ies o r poor • a.« o n es. W hile he c ertain ly su p p o rted A nn's decision to stay hom e to raise th eir five sons, the de facto R epub­ lican presidential nom inee said in January that he'd tell m others re­ ceiving public assistance, "Even if y ou have a child tw o years o f age, y ou need to go to w ork ... A nd people said, W ell that's heartless.' A nd I said, 'No, no. I'm w illing to spend m ore giving day care to allow those parents to go back to w ork. It'll cost the state m ore providing that day care, but I w ant the indi­ viduals to have the dignity o f w ork.'" If R om ney gets elected, w e'll see ab o u t that ch ild care prom ise. W om en have com prised the m a­ jo rity o f voters for o v er a g en era­ tion. T hat m eans w om en, m ost o f w hom are also m others, can control any election if w e vote o u r ow n priorities. It's about tim e w e did. C N N 's latest p olling show s that w om en support P resident B arack O bam a by 16 percentage points over R om ney, w hose party is m ost a s­ suredly d eclarin g w ar on w om en, m om s or not. A nd that gender chasm m ay get even bigger. Martha Burk is the director o f the C o rp o ra te A c c o u n ta b ility Project fo r the National Council o f Women's Organizations. . at-ar ■» a** a"a - Area/Oriental Rugs ( Wool): $40.00Minimum Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $10.00 each area (Requiring Extensive Pre-Spraying) UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa: $69.00 Loveseat: $49.00 Sectional: $ 109 - $ 139 Chair or Recliner: $25 - $49 Throw Pillows (With Other Services): $5.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES • Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning • Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning • Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment • Spot & Stain Removal Service • Scotchguard Protection • Minor Water Damage Services SEE CURRENT FLYER FOR ADDITIONAL PRICES & SERVICES Call for Appointment (503) 281-3949