Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 02, 2012, Page 6, Image 6

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May 2, 2012
Don t Worry, Be Happy
(AP) — Be happy — it seems to
be good for your heart.
Scientists have long known that
Type A personalities and people
who are chronically angry, anxious
or depressed have a higher risk of
heart attacks.
Now a Harvard review of the flip
side of that psychology concludes
that .being upbeat and optimistic
just may help protect against heart
Rather than focusing only on
how to lessen heart risks, "it might
also be useful to focus on how we
might bolster the positive side of
things," said lead researcher Julia
Boehm of the Harvard School of
Public Health.
Boehm reviewed dozens of stud­
ies examining a positive outlook —
as determined by various psycho­
logical measurements — on heart
health. Optimism in particular seems
key, as a number of studies found
the most optimistic people had half
the risk of a first heart attack when
compared to the least optimistic,
Boehm said.
Why? Previous work shows the
stress associated with negative
psychological traits can lead to dam­
age of arteries and the heart itself.
Boehm found that people with
a better sense o f well-being tend
to have healthier blood pressure,
cholesterol and weight, and are
m ore lik e ly to e x e rc is e , eat
healthier, get enough sleep and
avoid sm oking. But she cautioned
that it will take more research to
tease apart if a positive outlook
makes people feel more like taking
heart-healthy steps — or w hether
living healthier helps you feel
more positive.
More research is needed, but that
link between psychological and
physical well-being makes sense,
said Dr. Elizabeth Jackson of the
University of Michigan and Ameri­
can College of Cardiology, who
wasn't involved with the review.
Among her own heart patients, she
has noticed that those who feel they
have some control over their lives
and are invested in their care have
better outcomes.
H ealth W atch
receive a free kit of safety and test­
ing supplies. Call 503-284-6827.
Free Body Basics - Thi s physician
recommended class is appropriate
for all ages and health conditions.
Plan to attend this one-session class
and learn the simple guidelines for
safe exercises, including stretching.
Call 503-256-4000 to register.
Parenting Classes — Newborns
don’t come with instruction manu­
als but parents and parents-to-be
can learn about a variety of topics
from p ain and c h ild b irth to
breastfeeding to infant CPR and
much more. For a schedule of events,
call 5 0 3 -5 7 4 -6 5 9 5 o r v isit:
Positive outlook
helps the heart
Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and bis skilled staff are ready to help those in need.
An ongoing series of questions and answers about America’s natural healing profession
Part 35. Different Benefits by Age Group
: What age groups can a chi it can almost always be corrected being drugged into num bness
ropractor help most?
when chiropractic care is initiated in are fair rewards for all the years
o f hard work.
: This is like asking which age
groups benefit most from
good health. And yet, each
group has specific problems for
which your chiropractor has spe­
cific answers.
Needless to say, every teenage girl
should be checked regularly for
sc o lio sis and all teen ag ers and
young adults should see their chiro­
practor regularly to make sure their
newly active sports lives aren’t cre­
ating spinal problems they’ll have to
Infant and Young Children
Other mothers are often amazed live with the rest of their lives.
to see a mother carrying her in­
fant out of the adjusting room. Adults
And yet, since the delivery pro­ The world today is experiencing a
cess itself causes a high percent­ terrible level of stress. Long work
age of subluxations, infants to weeks, seemingly impossible dead­
need chiropractic care. Obviously, lines and economic woes create in­
children and infants are treated credible pressures. In addition, most
differently than adults. There are adults breathe in polluted air, drink
new, highly sophisticated meth­ chemically treated water and con­
ods of adjusting children and in­ sume an average of nine pounds of
fants to insure the best possible food additives and chemical preser­
results with the least possible dis­ vatives in a year, putting even more
comfort. Though young children stress on their bodies. One sure way
can’t tell you they’re in pain, heir to keep the stress level from causing
irritability is often a sign of the potentially dangerous subluxations
is with regular chiropractic check­
need to be checked.
Young Adults and Teenagers
More and more young adults and
teenagers are getting involved in
active sports. As a result, more
and more of them are getting in­
jured, requiring prompt chiroprac­
tic care.
Obviously half of he girls in our
society develop scoliosis (curva­
ture of the spine) during puberty.
Left untreated, scoliosis keeps
► « 9 9 ’ *
Senior Citizens
R etirem ent age for m any people
has becom e ju st plain tiresom e.
Aches and pins, often the result
o f u n tr e a te d
s u b lu x a tio n s ,
abound. Yet is hardly seems fair
that having to suffer with pain or
D ep en d in g on the d eg ree o f
subluxations degeneration, your
chiropractor can often provide
For senior citizens who’ve been
fortunate enough to suffered mini­
mal trauma in their lives, virtually
complete spinal recovery should
be almost as easy as it would be
for younger people.
For those who have suffered
needlessly for years, your chiro­
practor can often slow or stop the
degeneration, making life more
comfortable. It is certainly worth
the effort so that our senior citi­
zens get the dignity of health care
they deserve.
Something for Everyone
As you can see, there are practi­
cally as many reasons to have
regular chiropractic checkups as
there are people. Make an appoint­
ment for yourself and your loved
ones soon.
Flowers Chiropractic Office
2124 NE Hancock
Portland, Oregon 97212
Phone: (503) 287-5504
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon97212
getting worse over
time. However,
< t
Empowerment through Relaxation
— Free informal meditation classes
that address breathing techniques, Heart Talk Support Group - Meets
some gentle ancient African yoga on the second Monday o f each
poses and mental balancing tech­ month; from6p.m. to 8 p.m. For more
niques. People have left these information, call 503-251 -6260.
classes joyful and with a peaceful
view of their lives. Call Dr. Marcelitte Families with Mental Illness — A
free, 12-week course for people
Failla at503-228-6140.
whose family members live with
Tenderfoot C are -- Treat your feet mental illness is offered at Emanuel
with a soak, nail trim, buffing and Hospital, Mt. Hood Medical Center
massage from a licensed nurse at one and Providence Medical Center. The
of six clinics or at your home. Call503- course has been described as “life­
251 -6303 for more information.
changing” by former participants.
Registration is required by calling
Cancer Resource Center -- Provi­
dence St. Vincent Medical Center
and the American Red Cross have Cholesterol Profiles - Get the re­
joined forces to create the first in- sources to help you keep an eye on
hospital resource center providing your cholesterol and other indica­
books, printed material, computer tors of heart health. Educational
access and more for individuals and material provided. For more infor­
families dealing with cancer. The mation, call 503-261-6611.
center is open Monday through
Bereavement Support Groups --
Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Free, safe confidential group meet­
Lead Poisoning Prevention - Learn ings for those who have experienced
how to protect your family from lead the death of a loved one offered on
poisoning. Ideal for folks in live in various nights and locations. For
older homes with children or preg­ information and registration, call
nant women. Qualified participants 503-2154622.