Jßortlanh (Ohserucr Page A4 May 2, 2012 J E F F E R S O N S M IT H FOR Thousands off Supporters Including: MAYOR Jefferson has experience managing budgets through tough times to prioritize front-line services.” Debbie Hussey, 911 dispatcher Promise King Charlene McGee Rudy Soto 2011 Small Bruce Watts Maceo Pettis Business Champion Erick Flores by the Luis Nava Oregon M icroenterprise Network Rev. Chuck Currie Joseph Santos-Lyons Serifda Summers-McGee Simeon Mamaril "Smith is the best choice for Kim Nguyen education.” Suzanne Cohen, Teacher Learn m ore a t w w w .J e ffe rs o n S m ith .c o m 5 0 3 -6 1 0 -3 2 3 8 VOTE MAY 15TH Assist for King School Park Portland Trail Blazer legend and community ambassador Jerome Kersey (left) joins City Commissioner Nick Fish during a ceremony on Saturday to kick off the refurbishing of the basketball court at King School Park. The court will be re­ vamped as a kick-off to the Sprite Spark Parks Project, a program that will refresh basketball courts in public parks and recreation centers throughout the nation. In partnership with the Portland Trail Blazers, Sprite will donate $20,000 to Portland Parks & Recreation to refurbish rims, backboards, benches and playing surfaces - sparking new life to King School Park. ► Commited to Cultural Diversity aen's face Pr°spects Lh°Pe- fear ¿ re?°ns,ü<ícn "H * . Hero 4747 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Email: ads@portlandobserver.com Web: www.portlandobserver.com Phone: 503.288.0033 Fax: 503 288-0015