Healthcare Blues Concert with Norman Sylvester to push fo r single­ payer, universal coverage i w- ■ - Urban League Appoints Watts L. " A, Executive will serve during CEO search See page 3 See page 3 O w A Read back issues of the Portland Observer at ‘City ö/Roses’ Volume XXXXI, Number 14 Wednesday • April 4, 2012 Established in 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity J^Ommi!nitv Killer Cop Wins Back Job Activists outraged by officer’s reinstatement photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Johnnie Anderson came to City Hall Monday to p ro te st an a rb itra to r’s decision to reinstate the em ploym ent o f a Portland police office r who shot Aaron Campbell, an unarmed African American man in 2 0 1 0 . Her picket sign also spoke out against other acts o f deadly violence in the community. M em bers o f the Albina M iniste­ rial A lliance and other activists ex­ pressed outrage M onday over a decision by a state arbitrator to rein­ state a Portland police officer who killed an unarmed African American man in 2010. Rev. LeRoy Haynes, chair o f the alliance’s Coalition for Justice and Police Reform, urged a federal re­ view o f the state arbitration system because of its long history o f ruling in the favor of Portland police. He said F riday’s arbitration rul­ ing says that those who are elected cannot hold police officers in this city accountable. “It says any police officer can do what they want to do,” Haynes said. It means we cannot trust our police departm ent.” A police union challenge o f O f­ ficer Ronald Frashour's term ination largely rested on the testim ony of police training instructors who said Frashour followed his training when he used deadly force against the 25- year-old Cam pbell on Jan. 29,2010. Cam pbell was distraught over his brother's death when he em erged from a N ortheast Sandy Boulevard apartment, with his back toward of­ ficers and his hands behind his head. One officer fired six bean bag rounds at the man. Cam pbell ran toward a parked car. Frashour fired a single rifle shot, killing Campbell. At M onday’s protest, more than a hundred people stood around the steps of City Hall to hear speeches against the arbitrator’s decision. M idge Purcell, director of advo­ cacy for the Urban League of Port­ land, said as a m other she was con­ cerned about her children’s encoun­ ters with police. The Rev. T. Allen Bethel, presi­ dent o f the Albina M inisterial A lli­ ance, said it was time for Frashour to leave the police bureau. He asked the president o f the police union to look into his heart and quit defend­ ing police officers who shoot un­ armed black residents. State Rep. Lew Frederick, repre­ senting north and northeast Port­ land, and form er state Rep. Jo Ann Hardesty, also of Portland’s Afri- continued on page 5 ■■MMMKI Budget Axe Points to Humboldt, Tubman Proposal closes schools, cuts teachers district wide Two historic schools serving minority and eco­ nomically disadvantaged populations would be closed, and 110 teaching jobs would be eliminated district wide, as part as a proposed budget by Port­ land School Superintendent Carole Smith. Smith announced Monday that Humboldt Elemen­ tary School, 4915 N. Gantenbein A ve., and the Harriet Tubman Leadership Academy for Young Women, continued on page 2 Humboldt Elementary School, 4 9 1 5 N. Gantenbein Ave., would close and students transferred to Boise-Eliot School, as part o f a school district budget proposal for next year. PHOTO BY M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver