February 22, 2012_________________ ^P o rtlan d O b serv er B lack H isto ry M o n th Page’ Gospel Workshops, Concert Set D o you like to sing or enjoy listen­ ing to great gospel m usic? Y ou can jo in th e S h a ro n S e v e n th -d a y A dventist C hurch for its free Lift Every V oice choir w orkshops and concert. The 12th annual event cel­ ebrates A frican-A m erican history and music. The choir will include singers from the com m u­ nity, gospel groups, choirs and churches o f all denom i­ n a tio n s th ro u g h o u t the Eldon T. Portland and Seattle areas, with choral w orkshops conducted by various w ell-respected directors. All w orkshop materials, music and m ore are provided free o f charge on Sunday, Feb. 26 at 4 p.m .; M onday, Feb. 27 through W ednes­ day, Feb. 29 at 6:30 p.m. ’ and Friday, M arch 2 at 6:30p.m. T h e fre e c o n c e r t, scheduled for Saturday, March 3 at 6 p.m., will also fe a tu re s a x o p h o n is t Eldon T. Jones. All events are at the church, located at 5209 Jones N.E. 22nd Ave. Forregis- tra tio n an d m o re d e ta ils , v isit sharonsda.net or call 503-287-7649. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King, Jr. In times of economic challenge, livability starts with family wage jobs, reliable ways to get to work and housing that's affordable. Metro provides services, programs and public venues that help create a vibrant and sustainable region for all. MOONM Metro purchases goods and services through contracting policies that remove barriers to participation. To learn about Metro's minority, women and emerging small business program and first opportunity target area, call 503-797-1648. AllenTempleAnniversarySpeaker T he public is invited to A llen T em ple C M E C hurch as it closes out its 63rd anniversary c e l­ ebration w ith a Friends In additional to his spiritual w ork, he has served the com m unity as a m em ­ b er o f the C om m unity Board at Providence St. and Fam ily D ay W orship P e te r H o s p ita l; th e S e r v ic e w ith g u e s t G o v e rn o r’s C o m m is­ s p e a k e r B is h o p A .R . sion on A frican A m eri­ O bey from New Life Bap- can A ffairs in W ash ­ tist C h u rc h in L acey , ington state; and w as W ash . recipient o f the B lacks U nder the direction o f in G o v e rn m e n t h u ­ Senior Pastor Dr. LeRoy m anitarian aw ard for Haynes Jr., the service will Bishop A. R. Obey his Life D evelopm ent be held Sunday, M arch 4 R e s o u rc e C e n te r, a at 4 p.m. at 4236 N.E. Eighth Ave. nonprofit corporation that provides A preach er o f the gospel for over social services. 41 years, B ishop O bey is know n for For m ore inform ation, call 503- his pastoral and fatherly leadership. 287-0261 wall and flo o r Insolation tan SAVE UPIO (H O / ‘ U 'Q For complete information about business, career and volunteer opportunities w ith Metro, visit www.oregonmetro.gov Metro | Making a great place ENERGY SAVINGS ARE RIGHT AT YOUR FINGERTIPS O P P O R T U N IT Y IS A L L A R O U N D Let Energy Trust of Oregon help you seize the opportunity today. We can show you how making energy-efficient improvements to your home can reduce your energy costs. V E O w ith ENFRflf ST Aft* L p lla n ie APPLIANCES LIGHTING INSULATION You can save up to 30 Cut your lighting energy Upgrades to attic, wall percent on the cost of use by as much as and floor insulation, as running your appliances 75 percent—every time well as sealing air and when you choose highly you turn the lights on— duct leaks, can save up efficient ENERGY STAR by installing compact to 20 percent on total models. fluorescent light bulbs. energy costs. + Energy Trust can show you how to start saving on energy costs today. Call us at 1.866.368.7878 or visit www.energytrust.org. Serving customers of Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, NW Natural and Cascade Natural Gas. 'A EnergyTrust of Oregon