Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 22, 2012, Page 6, Image 6

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Page 6
__________________ Februaiy 22, 2012
Get Electric
Wire a Light Workshop - An Introduction to the ElectricalTrade
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An Evening for Women of Color
March 5, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
An Evening for Men of Color
March 6, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Call (503) 335-8200 x 31 for more info
Call (503) 281-1234 for more info
Oregon Trodeswom enjnc.
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Pm -Amu nhcmhif P rogram
Both workshops will be held at Constructing Hope at 405 NE Church, Portland
The coffin holding the remains o f singer Whitney Houston is
carried to a hearse after funeral services Saturday in Newark, NJ.
Houston died Feb. 11 at the Beverly Hills Hilton in Beverly Hills,
Calif., at the age 48. (AP photo)
Achievement Remembered
sw ,
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 5
PCC celebrates
Black History Month
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
believed in a dream. At
Portland Community College,
we stand behind that dream,
and as we celebrate PCC’s
50th anniversary, we also
celebrate the heart of the
college mission— opportunity
for all. We hope to continue
creating opportunities in your
community for years to come.
Share your story at
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“ It’s a tree w e could all hang from
— the unexplainable burden that
com es w ith fam e,” he said. “C all it
doubt. C all it fear. I've had m ine.
A nd I know the fam ous in the room
have had theirs.”
M any w ho spoke talked about
H o u s to n ’s u n s h a k a b le fa ith in
Jesus C hrist. T hey said it got her
through som e o f her m ost difficult
tim es. Perry recalled a conversation
where H ouston w ould look sad when
reflecting on her troubles, but then
w ould hasten to add that G od was
taking care o f her.
“T he other thing I know fo r sure
— and this is m ore im portant than
anything that she's done in h er life
— W h itn ey H o u sto n lo v ed the
L ord,” he said.
Fittingly, m usic played a m ajor
role in the sen d -o ff to one o f m usic's
g reatest voices.
Stevie W onder rew rote lyrics to
“ R ibbon in the Sky” fo r H ouston —
“you w ill alw ays be a ribbon in the
sky,” he sang.
So did g o sp el’s the Rev. Kim
B urrell for “ A C hange is G onna
C o m e,” w hich W arw ick said was
H ouston's favorite song o f all tim e.
R. K elly brought the N ew H ope
B aptist C hurch to its feet w ith a
stirring version o f “ I L ook to Y ou,”
the title o f H ouston's final studio
A nd K eys, h er voice breaking at
tim es, dedicated h er song “ Send
M e An A ngel” to H ouston
B row n briefly appeared at the
funeral, w alking to the casket, touch ­
ing it and w alking out. H e later said
in a statem ent that he and his c h il­
dren w ere asked repeatedly to m ove
and he left rather than risk creating
a scene.
C lo s e fa m ily fr ie n d A re th a
Franklin, w hom H ouston lovingly
called “A unt R ee,” had been e x ­
pected to sing at the service, but
said early Saturday she w as too ill to
attend. F ranklin said in an em ail to
T he A ssociated Press that she had
been up m ost o f the night w ith leg
spasm s and sent best w ishes to the
S atu rd ay night, F ran k lin p e r­
form ed at R adio City M usic Hall and
rem em bered H ouston w ith a light
gospel rendition o f “ I W ill A lw ays
L ove Y ou.”
W arw ick presided o v er the fu ­
neral, introducing speakers and sing­
ers and offering short insights about
her cousin; she jo k e d that H ouston's
Super B ow l perform ance o f “T he
S tar Spangled B anner” becam e al­
m ost as big as the telephone book.
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