Page 22_____________________________ P o rtlan d O b serv er Black History Month ____________ Allen Temple CME Church 63rd Church Anniversary Theme “ Transforming Lives, Families, and Communities" Romans 12:1-2 Schedule of Events “ Celebrating Grandparents in Worship" 4:00pm - Sunday, February 26, 2012 Message by: Rev. Robert Jointer Bethesda Baptist Church Allen Temple Annual Prayer Breakfast 9:00am — Saturday. March 3, 2012 Rose Room - Rose Carden Tickets - $20.00 Family & Friends Worship Celebration 4:00pm -Sunday, March 4, 2012 Speaker: Bishop A.R. Obey - New Life Baptist Lacey, WA Februay 22, 2012 E ducation1S the Prize c o n tin u e d f r o n tp a g e 13 Peg Swadener, whom she cred­ ited with helping prepare her emotionally for the rigorous fall schedule, agree that she had just begun to come into her own toward the end of last season, which led to her earning the team ’s Most Improved Player award. “ Last year, it felt like it was my com ing out y ea r,” said Egwuatu, who has a 3.208 GPA at Portland State. Sw adener described her as a “true five, a post player, back to the basket, a physical post. S h e’s alw ays been our best physical post player. She re­ ally understands the game and the position. She can score with her back to the basket." Following in the footsteps of her older sister Patricia, who is a 23-year-old pre-med student at the University of Washington, Egwautu started playing sports in kindergarten at the encour­ agement of her parents Fred and Florence Egwautu, first genera­ tion immigrants (Florence from Uganda and Fred from Nigeria) who met whilestudents at West-* em Washington University. Her dad is a tennis player and played soccer growing up in N igeria, and all three of E g w a u tu ’s siblin g s play or played sports. Patricia was a D ivision I bound basketball player before tearing an ACL in high school, w hile brothers Em ka, 17, and Chike, 12, both play basketball. C hike also plays football. She chose PSU as a ju n io r at Riverside High School in A u­ burn, W ash., after a family visit to Portland. “I liked the city and the feel­ ing and atm osphere at PSU ,” she said. Also, sh e’s from a close fam ily and her parents have been able to com e to w eekend gam es. In her spare tim e, she volun­ teers in the pediatric oncology clinic at O regon H ealth S ci­ ences U niversity. N am ed to the Big Sky C onference W in­ ter A ll-A cadem ic T eam last year, Egw autu would like to be a pediatrician specializing in oncology or neurology. A trip to N igeria has in­ spired her to dream of opening a clinic for poor children there. “I love kids, and it was an experience going back to Africa where a lot of kids don’t have health care. I’d like to give back, maybe open a clinic in Nigeria. You see a lot of kids with sickle cell anemia, who don’t have the care we have here,” she said. W hen E gw autu has tim e, she likes to read, and espe­ cially loves H arry Potter books or “anything th a t’s on the New York Tim es best seller list." Since sh e’s had her eye on the prize since she was nine, it probably was a no brainer to rank her academ ic path as her first priority. Non-profit Used Goods c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 13 To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503 288 0015 e-mail: E xecutive D irector Kristy Wood explains, "We want the Com m unity to know we are ready and willing to take their household donations - we have two drop off centers and a truck for pickups. We need your help." Do you have an extra set of silverw are? C ould that third cooking pan in your cupboard become another person’s means for cooking? Are those sheets and pillows at the top of your linen closet ready to be passed on to a child who has no bed­ ding? You can help by finding it in your heart to give any extra goods and furniture to your neighbors in need. Community Warehouse is the region’s furniture bank that of- fers essential household items to over5,000low-income individu­ als and families each year. Partnering with 114 local so­ cial service agencies, Portland Public Schools, and local hospi­ tals, the W arehouse fills at least 40 requests for furniture each week. D rop o ff centers are located at the C om m unity W arehouse facilities at 3969 N.E. M artin L uther King Jr. Blvd, w hich is open every day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m .; and on the w est side o ff o f the S unset H ighw ay Canyon exit at 8745 S. W. C an­ yon Lane, w hich is open T ues­ day through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call Community W arehouse at 503- 235-8786 or visit the website